Should I give a video call?

Cherry returned to home with a blushing face, her lips were reddish and tired, Daniel was being a little hard on her lips.

She coverd her lips with her riright before entering her apartment to avoid her mother's gaze.

Cherry silently sneaked into her bedroom and closed the door.

She threw her bag on her bed and unzipped her dress.

She was about to pull down her pants when Daniel called her.

"Now What?" Cherry sounded a little impatient.

Daniel delivered a soft chukle from opposite of the phone, "Did you reach home safely? "he asked.

Cherry rolled her eyes, "What do you think?"She asked with a annoyed tone.

Daniel started laughing, "I wanted to drop you home but you rejected me, so I was little worried," he said.

Cherry felt angry, she bit her lower lip with a little force and clenched her hand, "Do you have minimum shame? "

"You hurt my lips and it became so red that I have to enter into my own home like a ghost to avoid my mom's gaze." Cherry vented her anger without a break.

Daniel smiled at her angry response, with a satisfied tone he said, "You are enough lucky that I didn't bite you, your lips are so juicy and soft that my teeth wanted to bite. "

Cherry felt more anger in her mind hearing his shameless and bold statements, her ears was burning with shame, she slapped her own forehead with anger.

She took a deep breath to calm down herself.

"I am busy right now,call me later," she said to avoid him.

Daniel arched his eyebrows and asked, "Why are you busy, what are you doing now?"

Without thinking much Cherry answered immediately, " I am changing my dress."

Daniel's expression brightened instantly hearing her answer.

He asked with a shamelessly happy tone, "Should I give you a video call?"

At first Cherry didn't understand his motive behind his sudden proposal of giving a video call, she hurriedly asked ,"Why?"

Daniel didn't answer her question, he chukled.

Cherry finally understand what he meant by that, she closed her eyes with anger and cut the call before she said,"Pervert."

Daniel didn't give up his shameless hope, he thought for two seconds and gave her a video call.

Cherry didn't accept his video call, she tossed her phone on the bed and changed her dress.

She put on a plain white t shirt with a grey trouser.

Daniel gave her video call again,Cherry fixed her outfit for the last time and accepted his call.

"Say" she said after receiving the call,her face was containing a hint of anger.

Daniel moved his phone a little to adjust the front camera, he lifted his right eyebrow and asked naturally, ".....You changed your dress already?"

Cherry didn't know what to answer or how to answer, she gave up showing her anger and stayed silence.

Daniel smiled at her and said, " I missed it."

Cherry again remained silent.

Daniel widened his eyes and said, "your lips are all red, its more attractive now."

" Did I hurt you?" he asked softly.

Cherry didn't answer him and moved her eyes from her phone.

Daniel touched his phone screen and with affectioned tone he said, "I am missing you already. "

Hearing his emotional words Cherry finally subsided her anger and looked at him through the phone.

"Go home now and take rest, stop wondering around the street, " she said softly.