you inspired me

Hearing his words someone from the corner stood up slowly.

The whole class looked at that person with disbelief.

Cherry was the most silent person in her class, other than Su han and two more classmates, she never talked to anyone in her class. Moreover her dating story with Daniel had created some gossips throughout the whole campus which made her create more distance from people.

Nobody in her class ever heard her asking any question in the class or talking with any teachers, she was always sitting in a corner silently.

When Su han was narrating his ideas about their class trip, she also wanted to share some good ideas but feeling hesitated to speak out.

She thought for a while and gathered all her courage to stood up in front of professor Lin to share her idea about the voluntary trip.

Her classmates were used to with her silent habit, so when Cherry stood up to share her idea, the whole class got a bit shocked.

Process Lin smiled at Cherry as he said, " Let me hear your idea, speak up. "

Cherry felt little nervous, she clutched her dress tightly and showed her respect to Professor Lin, with a trembling voice she said, " Sir, we can arrange a lunch program with the people of X island, people from that island are under the proverty line, its tough for them to manage minimum food to survive.

If we arrange a free lunch program for them, they will be happy. Everyday we waste a lots of food unnecessarily. If we stop eating outside food for one day and donate that money, we can easily manage the fund for their lunch."

Cherry shared her idea of free lunch program without a break. She was too nervous to look at anyone.

Su han looked at her with a big open mouth, he couldn't believe his own ears ans own eyes.He smiled with surprised and clapped his hands, along with him profession Lin and rest of the students in the class also clapped with appreciation.

Process Lin looked at Cherry with satisfied expression and said, " This is how we all need to think, thanks Cherry for sharing your idea."

Su han Stood up and said, " As a team leader of the class trip, I am requesting to everyone to donate your one day lunch money for the people of X island. "

Hearing his request, all the students agreed to donate the money.

After professor Lin left their class, students started to collect money for the free lunch program.

Su han smiled at cherry brightly and said, " Usaib Bolt, you are great."

Cherry smiled him back and said, "You inspired me to think the idea of free lunch program. "

Su han felt extremely happy with her words, he looked at Cherry's eyes deeply and said, " Do you want to visit my grandparents villa?"

It is huge and nice.There is a big garden at the backyard of the villa, there are hundreds of different flowers . "