Feeling uneasy

Cherry couldn't sleep whole night.... .

She was feeling bad for behaving so rude with Daniel and broke her phone.

" How can I call him pig? He is so good to me"

" Is he really angry with me?"

" Did I hurt him "

"I should not be that impatient. "

" Should I call him from my landline number? "

" Oh no! I can't call him at this late night, he must be sleeping now."

Cherry was thinking all those things for whole night. One part of her wanted to call Daniel and say sorry to him, but other part was telling not to do that.

She was confused, sad and anxious at the same time.

After fighting for few hours, Cherry finally decided to call Daniel first think in the morning, then again tried to sleep forcefully but it was an epic fail.Sleep was far away from her eyes.

Same time at the Liu mansion .....

Daniel was sitting on his rocking chair.

His room was full of darkness, only the light of his phone screen could be seen.

He was calling Cherry's number again and again without being tired.

He already heard the robotic female voice from the opposite of his phone more than thousands time.

He wanted to run toward Cherry's apartment and call out her name loudly, but soon he pushed his idea away.

" She probably sleeping peacefully right now, I should not trouble at this late night. I will meet her tomorrow morning before her trip bus go."

He consoled his mind.

Cherry opened her eyes and looked at her wall clock, It was already 8 am, " Oh my god!!" Cherry felt shocked. Her trip bus would leave the campus at 9 am, so she only have one hour in her hand.

Cherry didn't think longer and hurriedly entered in her bathroom.

It was 8.15 am when Cherry came out from her shower, she didn't even dry her hair and started changing her dress.

she was wearing a blue full sleeve top and Jeans.

She looked at the red jacket on her bed and put it on over her top.

Cherry's mother stood in front of her bedroom door, "I try ro to wake you up few times but didn't even open your eyes, did you sleep late last night? she asked her daughter.

Cherry looked at her mother apologetically, " I was having a llittle trouble sleeping last night."

Cherry's mother smiled at her, " Come and have breakfast, if you don't want to be more late. Your dad will drop you off to college."

Cherry finished her breakfast hurriedly, she looked at her wrist watch and found it was already 8.30.

She took her backpack and checked her room, if she left behind any necessary things.

She ran toward the living room and held her land phone to call Daniel.

But before she could dial his number, her father called her from behind, "Cherry, hurry up, I am also going to be late for office. "

Cherry put down the land phone and followed her father.

Her mind was filled with the thought of Daniel.

Cherry got in her father's car with a gloomy face.She looked outside the car door and saw her mother was standing in front of the gate of their apartment building, she waved her hand to her mother and smile forcefully.

Their car got vanished within few seconds, Cherry's mother was still standing on the same spot with a worried expression.

She couldn't stop feeling uneasy.