The Truth Hurts

Teresa told Harry about how John pretended and lied to her. Harry said 'I didn't expect that John would still lie... Give him some time, I'm sure he will tell you the truth.'

Teresa thought about it and agreed to wait, she then told Jane about this incident and as expected, Jane scolded her.

'Why are you still waiting for him? He lied to you and you still wanna talk to him? Do you actually like him that much that you would forget what he did to you? What's wrong with you Teresa, wake up already.'

Teresa was speechless... 'I don't know if I still like him or not, but no matter what, I won't be any where close to him again, now I just want to know what are the reasons for him to betray my trust, although we were not dating but still he broke his promise and I want to know the reasons. Maybe he has his own reasons... Don't worry, I will not be fooled by him again.'

Jane continued to scold Teresa. Actually, this was what Teresa needed now, a good scolding to remember not to be so innocent and believe everything what other people say.

Harry on the other hand went to talk some sense into John. Harry asked John, 'Hey bro, so do you really like Hannah from the other class?'

John reply, 'Ya... kinda'

'So, what about Teresa? Didn't you say you liked her the other day? You even gave her chocolates for Valentine's last week.' asked Harry

'I always thought that I liked her because she saved me in my darkest times and encouraged me whenever I needed support, but the thing is she doesn't allow me to touch her, or be close with her. She is always keeping her distance away from me. Unlike Hannah, she is open and I can easily get close to her.'

Harry was socked with the reason that John gave him and asked 'Isn't it normal for Teresa to keep her distance away from you? She isn't even your girlfriend, sure she will keep her distance. Anyway, does she know that you like Hannah?'

'Nope, I don't know how to tell her... I'm afraid that she will hate me...' said John.

'I think you better tell her the truth, the truth hurts but It's better to know than to lie to each other' Harry advice John.

Harry wanted to try his best to help both of his friends (Teresa and John), so this was the only way he could do, to let them face each with their true feelings.

Harry was frustrated about what would happen to Teresa, will she be broken down? Did he help her or harm her? But this was the only way he could think of the help her release all her sadness in one go and not let her suffer for long.

Teresa on the other hand couldn't sleep and kept on thinking about how John lied to her, but when the thought of Harry and Jane appeared, she couldn't help but feel calm because the warm they gave her covered her heart. Only then she was able the sleep peacefully.


On the next day, John texted Teresa, 'I have something important to tell you...'