At the Inn

Ping Guo town never as crowded as today, every inn and eating place there are full. Most of them are not normal people, but famous warriors from all over the martial world.

As the biggest inn in this small town, the Red Apple Inn surely no different. The inn bustling with customers and panic workers, alongside a group of bards that performing at one corner of the inn. They are performing the tale of three great swordsmen that subdued the bandits of Mount Liang, a famous tale that happened not too long ago.

A group of bandits terrorizing the land had chosen the mountain as their hideout. Large in number and skilled in martial arts, these bandits use the tricky mountain path to defeat anyone trying to stops them. Numerous warriors and soldiers had been dispatched, all failed miserably. Until five years ago, three young swordsmen against all odds able to sneak in and defeat the little king of Mount Liang, stopping the bandits reign of terror.

They are later dubbed as the three greatest swordsmen of their generation. The Holy Sword, Lightning Sword and Jade Sword are their nicknames. They also called with more subtle names such as the Perfect Sword, Fast Sword and Elegant Sword respectively to show their style of swordplay.

Under the beautiful voice from the bards, a young man enters the inn. The young man basically wearing a rug as clothes and torn sandals seems very out of place inside the inn. The inn does not want to accept any other people inside, especially not a beggar. They sent someone to shoo him off, armed with a thick wooden plank this so called "guard" surely no stranger to this kind of job.

The young man not giving up easily, even that he is smaller than the "guard" he still looks very calm. A thin wooden stick in his hand move like a snake. It may look frail, but the stick easily parries the heavier plank. A little twist from the staff and the plank disarmed from the "guard".

Never judge the book by its cover, this fragile young beggar surely is a member of martial world as well. In shock the worker started to move back, afraid his life might be in danger. People in the martial world have their own unique character, some of them might kill anyone that slightly offends them. That is such a rule in the martial world, he may not be one of them, but he was the one initiated the attack so it is hard for others to defend him.

Luckily the beggar is not such person, with a playful grin he throwback the plank to him.

"I'm just hungry sir, this little beggar will very much glad if you can spare some food for him." Polite words just come out with mocking tone from the unlikely beggar.

"Young man, just spare that poor worker. Some deer just cannot recognize a tiger before they see its claws. You can join us; our table has an extra seat and plenty of food." A middle age man in his forties invites him, the young man just shamelessly grinning and accept the invitation.

"My name is Han Gang. These are my son, Han Fu and my daughter Han Bei. You may never hear of our Han clan, but we are quite famous at Yanbei Province in the south." The man proudly introduce himself.

"Ah, senior is too modest. My name is Li Han, I am sure senior never heard of my name since I am not famous anyway." His answer annoyed both of the Han's younger generation. First it indicates he never heard of their name, it also slightly mocking their introduction.

They are already annoyed by this dirty beggar seating at the same table with them and his attitude making it even worse. Even then, there is nothing they can do since their father are the one who invited him.

"I happen to recognize your fighting style, it is clearly a Beggar Sect's technique. Are you happen to be their member?" A little attitude not going to affect the experience Han gang. He has wandered the martial world long enough to know various weird characters in it.

"Well, I was. I leave the sect sometimes ago because I do not want to become a beggar any longer." He sighs a little bit before continues "Just how bad have I failed."

He sounds so serious, but everyone in the table cannot help but smile a little. After that little joke, everyone feels this guy is not to be taken seriously. They chat a little bit before a ruckus heard from the front door.

"How come all the table is full. We already book some rooms here." The biggest out of five guys in uniforms angrily shout at one of the innkeepers.

"Sir, we... we have the rooms ready, but not the tables." The innkeeper stutter as he answers him.

"Relax young brother, let us just go to our rooms and eat there." The oldest of them tries to pent up his friend's anger, then told the innkeeper to send food to their rooms.

"So, the government's five little cats come as well. You know you are not expected here right?" The mock come from one of the customers at the inn, but his words seems to represents most of the people inside.

"You are just insulting an officer doing their duty. Better to watch your mouth, we can detain anyone trying to obstruct our way." The five of them are constables from the White Tiger Brigade. They are proud of their status and angered when someone insult it.

"You "can" detain us? Why don't you come here and try?" Few words and the weapons already drawn. Such is a way in the martial world, though alcohols may play a part here as well.

"Stop it! How dare you make a mess in this place, while all the seniors are eaten and rest here. Even Reverend Huang are here, do you have no shame to show off your petty skills in his present?" This word filled with "chi" in it, showing off the skill of the speaker.

"Giving face to Senior Wang, we certainly are not going to prolong our dispute here." The instigator of the fight looking at the one stopping him. They bow a little bit to him and sit back, they clearly show their respect and/or fear to this Senior Wang.

The five constables also sheath their weapons and walk towards the monks seating at one of the tables. They pay their respect to them, before going to their rooms.

"Is that Reverend Huang from Shaolin, the Reverend Huang?" Li Han finally ask a serious question.

"He is, with Reverend Mao alongside him. Both are one of the greatest warriors in the martial world for years. And that guy stopping the fight before is Wang Yen Fei, owner of the Silver Swan Pavilion." Han Gang explain to him, showing his knowledge of the martial world.

"Oh, I know that Wang Yen Fei." Li Han answer him back

"At least, there is someone from the martial world you can recognize." Han Bei starts to mock Li Han. She was the quietest out of the four of them, most of it because she is the one that mostly uncomfortable with him. A girl commonly having the hardest time to deal with dirtiness that Li Han had.

"Well, I met him before. If my face is not this dirty he might recognize me as well."

"Humph." Li Han try to explain himself only to meet another mockery from the girl, with the right reason as well. Even if they met before, with Wang Yen Fei status he won't pay attention to people like Li Han. Of course, this man is joking or he just think too highly of himself.

"Anyway, this duel surely attracts a lot of attention. So many big names here are the undeniable proof of their greatness." Han Gang speaks with so much amazement.

"So, all these people gather here just to watch a duel?" His amazement just met with Li Han's confused face.

"Are you not? Why do you here in the first place then?" The Han family now looking at Li Han like he is some kind of a rare species. It is rare indeed, since everyone in the inn surely have the same intention.

"Well, I just here to meet a friend that invites me here." Li Han again answers casually.

"This is not just a duel, this is "The Duel" of the century. The Holy Sword is going against the Lightning Sword. Two of the greatest swordsmen of the young generation going to fight each other. While there are three great swords, these two are definitely the most prominent one. Their achievements are unbelievable for someone at their age." Han Fu starts explaining.

"Really?" The Han family really cannot stand Lu Yan obliviousness and begin to take turns to further explain how important the duel is.

"You really know so little about martial world, aren't you? The Lightning Sword might be most known for him subduing the Four Ghosts of Silent Marsh. Each of them has defeated countless great warriors, it is still a big question mark how a single person can subdue all of them together.

Holy Sword also have an unbelievable achievement, where he defeats the Snow Flowing Fox, Mei Ru Ying. You know before the Three Great Swords, Mei Ru Ying is considered to be the best swordsman out there. He is known to be undefeatable, of course until the Holy Sword. If only this duel is getting announced beforehand, this might be a contender to become the duel of the century. Sadly, nobody knows about it nor I do know how the results gets out. But tomorrow, I might be able to see how these unbelievable things are possible.

It is sad that they have to fight each other, but unlike the righteous Holy Sword. The Lightning Sword is a mischievous person. He breaks the rules a lot and so the government sent the White Tiger Brigade to capture him and deemed him as criminals, but to no avail. Finally, they ask the only person that can match him, surely none other than the Holy Sword. He agreed to take care of him, but only if it dealt in the way of the martial world. Thus, the duel."

Li Han gasped his mouth in shock or at least act like he is.

"It is a great story, almost as great as the food. By the way it is already late, I should go and wash up. I have to prepare for tomorrow great event, right? Good night everyone and thank you for the meal, I owe you one. If the heaven let me, I will pay for its next time we meet." Lu Yan starts to walk out of the door while giving them the sweetest smile he can produce.

"Oh, and also thank you for the breakfast. I will enjoy to eat this chicken." Nobody knows when he put the order up, but Li Han just took a whole roasted chicken with him and runaway, leaving the Han family dumbfounded. Both of the younger ones angered by him, but Han Gang laugh it off and forbid them to chase him.