Letting Go

She was snapped into her senses when Jian suddenly moved in Anthon's arm. He opened his eyes and stared into Anthon's face lazily. He moved to his side facing him, one arm hugging around, his cute face burried in his chest. He seemed to find comfort in his arms, as a child to a protective father. Anthon's face softened and his eyes glinted a sense of sadness.

"I think we have to get off for now. Jian has a class tomorrow." She tried to make an excuse. She's no longer comfortable with Anthon's expressions.

"Okay. I'll drive you off. "

"No need. I'm bringing my car. "

He stood up and took strides ahead of her with Jian still sleeping in his arms. He pushed the door open for Jia to come out first then followed to her car. After placing the boy carefully to the back seat, he lowered down his head and planted a kiss on his forehead. He then closed the door and stood beside Jia by the driver's seat. He stood for a while gazing at the boy before he turned to her.

"Jia, thanks for today. I'm just a call away. Be safe. "

He wrapped an arm to her opposite shoulder and pulled her into a quick and tight, side hug.

"Likewise. Sorry that Jian did trouble you."

"He is such a sweet child. And yes, we have the same eyes. "

Her heart suddenly skipped a beat but she was quick to put it away with words. Her heart already ached in that beautiful sight of a father holding a son. And the fact that his son obviously desired to be cared by a father. How could she be heartless to deny the emotional need of a child?

"Yes, you both have owl's eyes. " She suddenly laughed to dismiss the topic.

She then slid into the driver's seat and pulled out as Anthon stood behind to watch them until they disappeared.

Jian... He, perhaps, had no clue that it was a combined name for the first syllable of Jia and Anthon. And yes, they both had big, black and tender eyes with thick brows.

Back into her house, after tucking Jian into their bed, she slouched into a sofa. Her strength drained out as she was holding back much of her emotion in her talk with Anthon. She was supposed to assess her readiness in letting go of that dark and painful past but, somehow, her feelings betrayed her. When she agreed to see him today, she thought she was already confident to face him. And she thought that time and distance had stood its perfect task in forgiving and forgetting. Yet, in her case, it only seemed to make a heart grow fonder.