The Revelation

Section Jade Chat Group

Jay: @Jia,  why have you become so defensive this time?

Liz: @Jia, I think you should consider.

Mira: @Anthon,  you better set her a trap

Ayanna: I am jealous!!

Giselle: Don't take my husband away. Hahaha!  Go, @Anthon!

Anthon: Definitely,  @Giselle, If you can help me with it.

Soon, the chat room buzzed with teases directed at Jia. But what caught her curiosity was the exchanges between Anthon and Giselle. What really did happen five years ago? Giselle was absolutely not kidding around when she announced their marriage.

She picked up her phone and sent a private message to Giselle, leaving her a mobile number to call back. Ever since their last meeting,  she cut all ties with everyone. She disappeared. Only on the day she decided to activate her status did she find that one of her classmates asked her to join the group.

She became a different person when she was signed in. Not the timid and aloof person anymore. She participated actively in the discussions,  sharing her ideas, and even volunteered to trace those ten classmates who were unheard of.

Her phone suddenly vibrated. She was already at Gee's Cafe,  sipping her coffee.

"Jia,  can we meet up?  I'm in the city. Where are you?" Giselle's voice echoed when she picked up the call.

She hesitated for a moment. Giselle did not know how badly she was hurting when she announced her marriage to Anthon. She had no reason to talk to her anymore if all that she would hear would only tear her heart apart. But she needed to know...

"Gee's Cafe," she responded coldly.

"Okay. I'll be there in 15 minutes."

Soon, an elegant woman appeared with her sophisticated smile. The sound of her heels made Jia turn her head in her direction. The woman's stunning beauty suddenly mesmerized Jia and made her forget all her humiliation. Instead, she stood up right away to hug and kiss her.

"Giselle! How have you been all these years? You look more beautiful! " Jia honestly exclaimed.

"And you are not? Anthon is right, after all!  You surprise everyone with your sudden appearance, and most of all, your beauty in Anthon's eyes!"

Then, Giselle added, "First love really never dies."

"What are you talking about?" asked Jia, surprised and confused.

"Anthon called me up to do the task of explaining to you  because it appeared that I'd caused an irreparable heartache to both of you."

"So,  I came all the way here from Singapore at Anthon's expense."

Jia couldn't believe her ears. Did Anthon really spend that much to have Giselle come over urgently?

Jia's heart palpitated right away that she couldn't speak for a moment. Then, subconsciously,  she turned to her coffee and sipped the whole content of the tall cup thoroughly, making Giselle's eyes pop out.

Furthermore, Jia tapped the call button, sending the attendant right in front of them.

"Another two cups, please?"

Although a bit surprised, Giselle understood that Jia was tensed. To stop whatever Jia was thinking, Giselle interrupted.

"Jia,  can I go ahead?"

"Speak," Jia replied without looking up, flipping her straw gently with her thumb and pointer finger.

"Alex and I were in a relationship since our fourth year in high school. We kept it secret because my parents would surely beat me to death. You knew how violent my father was. Did you remember I had multiple lacerations every time I made him angry? "

Jia nodded as she unconsciously looked up to her,  intrigued by her revelation. 

"Within our ten years of relationship, five of those were spent by the two of us living together. But, of course, my family had no idea; I told them I rented a boarding house near our office after college."

Giselle paused for a moment, then sighed.  This time,  it was her who sipped her coffee generously,  hoping the caffeine would boost up her energy.

"On our ninth year,  Alex had frequent pneumonia, and that illness made him lose weight. Then,  one day,  we were shocked by the news that it wasn't simple pneumonia, but lung cancer.. "

This time, Giselle's voice quivered, but she went on.

"I was three months pregnant then. I even told you about that. I did not know why he refused to fight and hang on.  After all,  he knew his condition better than anyone else."

"It was then that he called up Anthon. He begged him to save me from shame. My parents would no way accept that their only daughter got pregnant out of wedlock. So the wedding was set..."

Giselle could no longer hold herself, and she broke into a painful sob.

" Anthon, out of love for Alex and pity on me,  most especially that I was pregnant, consented to the


"Anthon,  out of his kind heart,  requested for us to meet often. Perhaps it was his way of learning to love me.  But that kindness made me guilty and sleepless."

"Jia, if only you knew how Anthon suffered when you disappeared. He even went out to all corners of the earth to look for you, but he failed."

"I was then the sole witness of his pain and defeat. Since we shared the same fate, so after six months, the wedding was set."

"I was there in my white wedding dress... "