The Road Is Narrow and Long

When the best friends finally released themselves in tears, Anthon approached Jia.

"Best wishes.." He looked into her eyes and Jia returned his gaze. She felt his pain and it hurt her as well.

She then threw herself into him and hugged him tight. She could not stop her tears. This was the man she loved for many years.

Anthon hugged her tight as well and kissed her forehead. "Goodbye, Jia."

That was his most excruciating words...

Giselle sobbed again as she wrapped her arm around Anthon to comfort him. She was the reason of this pain, of their failed love story. It all started with her! She was the one to be blamed.

"I'm sorry, Ton. I did not invite you here.. " Jia said with trembling heart.

Anthon looked at her. Few seconds more and he would be breaking.

"Jia, in this life, the road is narrow and long. I'll be waiting for you at the end." He said with a bittter smile before he left. Giselle ran after him.

"Gis, go back. Today is Jia's most special day."