How Could I Make You Fall For Me

Early in the morning the next day, Dr. Aijohn was sitting down on a coffee table by the terrace inside the Ybañez couple's suite.

"Sir and madamme, have you already finalized your plan about the launching? " Dr. Aijohn asked the couple across him.

"There is no changes yet to the initial plan unless Mr. Wayne would back out. This old buddy is so strong - willed. Honestly, I do not find it an easy thing to destroy the marriage of his son."

"Dear, how about talking to Gracie? Would she still be obsessed to that guy who is already married for six years? And with a child already? It's just so terrible." Madamme Ybañez explained.

"Your daughter knew about it from the start. But she's unmoved."

"Then what will we do? If that failure would bring down my Gracie to grave, I will definitely agree to the cancellation of Jim's marriage. "

"Glenda, can you really digest it? "Mr. Ybañez got horrified.

"Who's talking here? "Madamme reminded him of that incident more than 30 years ago.