Special Concoction

Anthon could not hear their conversation but it seemed that the man looked happy and excited.

"Phyllis, where's my grandson? " Judge Ramirez excitedly asked Mr. Wayne, as if he did not know that the child was taken illegally.

Mr. Wayne immediately gestured for one of his men to come over. "Go, and let them come down. My cousin wants to meet my grandson."

The man instantly obeyed and went right then to fetch Jian and Anthon.

"Mr. X' s cousin wish to meet his grandson. All of you, please, come over."

Bryan nodded and Anthon immediately came down with the sleeping child. He calmly approached the two elderlies, wondering at the sudden change of atmosphere. Jian woke up due to the sudden shifting of his position and his eyes fell on Mr. Wayne. He already removed his bonnet and mask. Jian just stared at him while his head was leaning on Anthon's shoulder. Perhaps, he remembered that few weeks ago, he had meet him in Georgia.