Now And Forever

Mr. Wayne and his men returned to the city right after they watched the surveillance video. Judge Ramirez was completely able to eliminate himself from the suspicion of Mr. Wayne and his team, as well as with Bryan himself, since it was clearly revealed in the video how he was also assaulted. No one ever doubted him as an accomplice of Anthon and Jian's escape. Worst of all, Mr. Wayne was completely unaware that he was fully tricked out of his own game and had been innocently trapped into his own lair.

Bryan was the most defeated person in this game. Aside from coping with Mr. Wayne's anger due to his failure, he had given him a more ferocious order. And that was to put Jia out of existence as Mr. Wayne realized that her complete disappearance would set his plan into full actualization. Yet, the most mind - boggling fact that affected him was his failure towards Jia and Anthon. With this, he swore to go ahead diligently with his secret search, not for Mr. Wayne, but for Jia.