The Invitation

Jim wrapped his arm around her and laughed.

"Because you scare him! " He said while patting her head.

"And you're not? " She asked.

"Do you think I did not know about your escapades when you were in college and while we were in Georgia? I even watched in all the competitions you were joining with. "

Her eyes widened. "Really? And why did you not scold me? "

"Because you did not want me to know. " She felt so ashamed and guilty that she hid her face in his chest.

"What else do I not know, Jia? "Jim asked. She seemed to hold so many secrets and all of it were her achievements.

"If I were the one who discovered that you were flying with your bike, I would have tied you up." Anthon was not yet done.

They all laughed.

"Ton, sorry!"

"Do you want to die? " He asked back, not appeased at all.

"I joined the sport for fun and not to die. " She smiled, stealing a glance at Jim.

Anthon took Jian by the hand and talked to him.