Not In My Sickbed

During their breakfast the following morning, Mr. Wayne wondered why everyone was having the same food as he had. It was his request to have only a serving of oats in the morning, paired with a vegetable smoothie. But today, he noticed that there were additional vegetable dishes, instead of their usual breakfast menu which consisted mostly of fried meat and egg.

"What's happening? " Mr. Wayne could no longer keep his astonishment to himself.

Jim smiled. "Jia decided that we should also have the same diet as yours because as she said, it's better to start the preventive measures now than finding the cure later. And so that you will not feel tortured for having a separate untasty meal. "

This decision just happened to make this matter easier for him as he would not make any more cover ups to push the diet.

Mr. Wayne laughed. "Good, darling. It is so thoughtful of you. Now, I won't be alone anymore and this diet plan is now enjoyable. "

Then, Jim changed the topic.