If Only

When everyone got busy with chatting and eating, Jia sat beside Jim and watched the running movie through a cable network inside their suite.

It was about a woman who worked overseas in order to provide their growing children's need. Life was difficult, aside from the fact that she had to be away from the kids. She sent all her income to his husband, hoping that when she would finally come home, the business that her husband pretended to have ventured with, would now be more than enough to sustain them. Only to find in the end, that his husband left her children and eloped with his bestfriend, taking all her fortune away.

Jia held on to Jim's arm. "Can you imagine that, dear? If I would be in her place..."

"What will you do? " Jim asked, amused at how she got hooked with the movie.

"I will pretend to be unaffected. I will take my children with me. Then he would know how much he lost! " Jia said seriously.