Who Is The Sender

It was about ten in the morning when Mr. Wayne decided to take a snacks with Jia in her office. It had been a long while since they talked sincerely. They may had meals together, dropped and fetched the kids together but it was always with another person around.

He had just stepped inside when somebody else knocked on the door.

It was Jerry again, the florist of April's Flower Shop, who was paid and requested by the sender to personally bring the flowers to her. It had been every Monday for one year, every three days after that, and for the last three months, it became everyday.

"Good morning, ma'am! Another flowers for you. " He said with his usual big grin which extended up to his ears.

Jia laughed as his smile was contagious. "Is the sender not tired of sending that? It's been two

years. "