The Most Awaited Moment

"Do you want to hear me say that all along I was wishing we could watch sunsets together or go out to candle - lit dinners? Stroll out by the seaside or walk in a park as lovers...?"

This statement, though spoken long ago in the hospital when he was donating his bone marrow, always filled Anthon's heart with regrets. Because of this, while waiting for their wedding, he tried to make it up by showering her with surprises and brought her to different places for romantic dates.

He also took over in fetching and dropping the kids in school, preparing their minds that sooner, he will be staying with them as their new dad. Though the kids were close to him, he knew that he could not take the place of their father. They also needed time, though not as long as Jia.

Time passed by so quickly and soon it was already the 28th of April.