This is a motherfucking Scam!!

[New York/Morning/Random Street]

*Beep* *Beep* *Beeeeep*

Traffic... one of the most hated things after Vegans and Ads, it will come everytime you don't want it, and everytime you are caugh in, you will have 2 choices, either you wait patiently, or- *BANG* *BANG*


here's Jean, the new protagonist of this story... armed with a gun and shooting in the air while shouting at the guys in front of him, now you may ask, why? Well... the question is simple like the answer is...

Jean: Shitty bastards... I just wanted to go to the house of my girlfriend now that she was alone there...

Yes, it was for this... for the pussy! what straight man would refuse it when your girlfriend is hot as a pornstar? Maybe you but let's not disgress, he was waiting full of rage in the traffic until... *Pew* *Splat* of the bullet he shot vertically towards the sky somehow came down in his head making an hole in his brain and killing him while he had his head outside the window.

[some time later/void]

he woke up in a place completely white, he looked around from panic and it became shock when he saw two people, one had a familiar red gauntlet while the other had dragon-like wings with 8 energy feathers in his back, the second later they disappeared with a "pop", our protagonist Jean passed some time watching anime or reading novels when he didn't have anything to do so he recognized the two items as the Longinus from the anime Highschool DxD.

Jean: What the fuck are those two doing here?

When he was thinking aloud again suddenly a figure appeared, it had an humanoid shape and was wearing a long coat the covered any part of his body, he turned his head towards Jean, but the latter couldn't see nothing since the mysterious figure's hood was covering his face

?: Human, I am here for you...

Jean: Who the Fuck are you?

? started chuckling before answering him

?: I am God...

Jean: Prove it

God: huh?

you could not see his expression but he seemed confused, but recomposed himself

God: what do you mean?

Jean: exactly as I said, prove that you are god

God: so you are one of those... well then, you died because one of the bullets that you shot in the sky came down and hit you in the head

Jean: Hahahahah... good one...

God just snapped his fingers and a screen appeared in front of Jean, there was his car and himself with an arm and his head outside the window, he started shooting in the air *BANG* *BANG*


then he started looking down in the road

Jean: 'Shitty bastards... I just wanted to go to the house of my girlfriend now that she was alone there...'

then a bullet came down and some pieces of his brain splattered in the road.

The screen disappeared and left God and a now despaired Jean

God: I will leave you some time alone

then Jean started crying loudly for 10 entire minutes before stopping and catching his breath

Jean: now what will happen?

God: well, i will give you 3 wishes and you can choose the world where you want to spawn

It was now Jean's turn to get confused and looked at God strangely

Jean: what do you mean?

God: exactly as I said, I will spawn you in that world with 3 wishes

Jean got a pissed look in his face from getting thrown back his words but then he git back his confused look

Jean: can you explain, please?

God: Haaa... Since i feel like it, i will give you a chance like the other protagonists of the novels you like to read

Jean: Woah... wait a second and those two guys of before?

God: don't mind them, just people that are at a similiar situation of you but with different offer, c'mon tell me your wishes

Jean recomposed himself and though before answering

Jean: my first wish is to have a body that is unmatched from anyone, my second wish is the ability to create anything i want and my third wish is to be immune to any elemental attacks, the world i choose is Against the gods, and i want to be in the start of the plot

God grinned at his answer even if it didn't show up in his face because of the hood

God: That's good, no one tried wishing that in the novels, now let's see how will you do there...

then Jean fell unconscious and woke up in soft bed with a red banner hanging above him, then he heard a voice

?: Ah! Little Che! You… You woke up!

Jean: 'wait a second, did i became Yun Che?!'

he then tried to move his body but it moved differently than he wanted

Jean: 'what the hell it's happening?'

then suddenly his eyes are glancing towards a little girl near him and heard another voice

?: Little Aunt?

Jean: 'wait a second, wasn't that what Yun Che should say now? but i didn't moved my mouth...'

then the girl that should be his aunt put an hand in his front and said

Little Aunt: How delightful, your temperature is almost back to normal. You nearly scared me to death. Little Che, are you okay? Tell me if you feel uncomfortable anywhere.

Then she hurriedly left after saying something about taking a doctor here

Jean started to get more suspicious, because he didn't feel at all the sensation of her hand in his front, but he realized something important thanks to the thing that will happen at the next moment...

his body shook his head and stared in an open space, Jean tried to move but he couldn't do anything to the body, then it became clear...


when he screamed that his body got off the bed with a surprised face and looked around

?: who talked?!

Jean: You can hear me?

?: of course i can! who do you think i am?! Now where are you?

Jean: I can't go out for a reason but can you answer a question?

?: depends...

Jean: who are you?

? hesitated a bit before answering...

?: I am Xiao Che

Jean got shocked and screamed in his mind with rage