Does this count as a Threesome?

[later/Xiao clan]

Xiao Che was waiting in his bedroom that got transformed in a wedding room for his wedding, the door opened and Xiao Lingxi, Xiao che's aunt came in.

Xiao che: Little Aunt, is grandfather back?

Jean: she's nice, shame she is so young and i don't have a body, otherwise i would take her somewhere to eat

Xiao che: don't you dare to think something about that level...

Jean: shut up you Retard, you can't do nothing to either me and her since she is your aunt

Xiao che' and Jean talked a bit together after the meeting between them, Jean still called him Retard and Xiao che doesn't care anymore about it, but he found about Jean's physique while spying on him while he was testing himself and still hasn't seen his limits, he could take everything at such speed that Jean seemed to not moving and reducing different targets in dust, it was like Jean could destroy anything with just his though, and he would believe that if it wasn't for Jean explaining him how was he doing it, Xiao che was surprised from his answer but stopped caring with time, but he couldn't find anything else other than his physical capacity and his ability to create things, and even then he still got very little informations about them.

?: Oh, Che'er, you have finally woken up

then behind Xiao Lingxi came Xiao Lie, Xiao che's granfather, Xiao Hong, Xiao Lie's Housekeeper and Doctor Situ

Xiao Lie: It's good that you have woken up and you do not look ill anymore but let Doctor Situ examine you. Today is your wedding day and we cannot have the slightest error. Doctor Situ, please go ahead.

then the doctor checked him and didn't found any problem with Xiao Che and told everything to Xiao Lie while hidding his regret while speaking about the marriage, and left, Xiao Che still assured his grandfather that he was ok and the latter believed him

Xiao Lie: You're alright, that's wonderful to hear

then he looked towards the sky and told his grandson (AN: poor old man, if you read ATG you should know about him, whoever does know write in the comments "Xiao Lie is the best grandfather")

Xiao Lie: Che'er, the hour is nigh. Go make your preparations while I go to arrange the wedding team(AN: brothers of Team Rocket)... Oh right, do you want to ride horseback or sit in the carriage?

Jean: carriage my ass, I am going to create a fucking Lamborghini to show off in front of these guys in the Ice Age, hey Retard, choose the car, let's show them who's the boss.

Xiao Che: Of course I'm riding on the horse!...

Jean facepalmed himself (Jean Facepalms: 3) (AN: i will make something similiar to Krillin Owned from TFS) from his choice, seriously, who the fuck refuses a Lamborghini?!

Xiao Lie had a gentle smile and told his grandson before leaving

Xiao Lie: good

then Xiao Che and Xiao Lingxi talked, well, it was more about a shitty attempt, where Jean almost took pity from looking at his Host, almost, in flirting with her aunt, then the housekeeper knocked and told Xiao Che that he should start go to pick his bride, then Xiao Lingxi started fixing her nephew's (AN: HAH!) clothes and when she finished...

Jean: Retard, if you really like Incest that much just kiss her already!

Jean had enough about hearing his Host's thoughs about his aunt, and figuratively kicked him in the back making him kiss her

Jean: 'oh thanks the Devil, because God is a son of a bitch!'

then after the talking of a Tsundere Xiao Lingxi and Xiao Che, the latter left for the horse and got towards his bride's place, to pass time Xiao Che and Jean talked, but... It was more of 'Insulting Xiao Che Session'

Jean: HAHAHAHAH... You, a reincarnator... lost to an argument against your aunt, who was even younger than you... Thanks the heavens I recorded everything...

Xiao Che: 'stop with that thing! and what do you mean 'recorded'?'

Jean got a smug grin inside the pearl and told him

Jean: try to think about many pictures with voices put together to make an animated scene

Xiao Che: 'SON OF A BITCH!'

Jean: and that son of a bitch is the same guy you almost became gay for...

Xiao Che: 'Go fuck yourself!'

Jean: better than let you fuck me...


Xiao Che screamed and some people looked at him like a madman, when Xiao Che noticed the looks of the others he fastened his pace towards his destination

Xiao Che: 'Fuck you Jean...'

Jean: you never know how i feel when you see your victim breaking... It's so fucking funny!

they countinued to talk and ignoring the voices around them until they got to destination

?: Brother-in-law!!

a giant figure appeared from the Xia Clan's main entrance

Xiao Che: Yuanba!...

Jean: 'WHAT THE HELL IS DOING SUPERALLOY BLACKLUSTER HERE?!' (AN: one punch man / class:S /rank 11)

then Jean left the two talking alone and waited until he seen his Host's bride, and he got wide eyes from admiring her forms, even if it her face was covered, it was completely different experience from reading it and looking at her

Jean: 'If she should be beautiful and is wearing a veil i wonder how will be people like Little Demon Empress, Jasmine or the complete Inheritor of the phoenix legacy...'

then when his Host took her in his home Jean asked the most important question

Jean: hey Retard, since i am here, when night starts, does this count as a Threesome?

Xiao Che: 'That's!... a really good question... I think it doesn't'

after the ceremony was done his host and his bride left towards Xiao Che's bedroom, then the 'Berating Xiao Che Session' started with a new person

Xia Qingyue: Your grandfather was disrespected during your own wedding, you must be really upset, right?

Xiao Che hesitated a little and answered back

Xiao Che: You can take down that phoenix coronet now. That thing is too heavy and if you wear it for too long, it would become uncomfortable.

Xiao Che was expecting an intelligent remark about his words from Jean but he didn't that he applauded

Jean: Bravo... You fucked everything...

and then he got out from his stupor after hearing the second part...

then Xia Qingyue took off her coronet and both Xiao Che and Jean frozen from her beauty, she had magnificent eyes, had jade-like skin and creamy face that was white as snow under the light of the room, her lips were like the most delicate petals and her nose was high and proud with an innate nobility

Xiao Che/Jean: Your reputation precedes you...

the bride countered with...

Xia Qingyue: and you are not what the rumors day nor what I had imagined as well, Rumors say that your vein was disabled so you can only stay at the 1st level of the Elementary Profound Realm. Because of that, you have a weak physique and low self esteem since you only stay at home. Your only friends are your little aunt Xiao Lingxi and my younger brother Yuanba. The only thing on your body that can be regarded as an advantage would be your appearance.

Jean: Holy shit, she just threw you a bucket of lava! I fucking like her!

Xiao che ignored his companion and continued to hearing Xia Qingyue that continued to berate him until she started complimenting him

Jean: heh, it was only thanks to me to distracting him

Xiao che: 'fuck you Jean...'

then Xia Qingyue continued to talk and talk, Jean got annoyed


then she stopped with another little speech that would change incredibly Xiao Che's plan for the future

Xia Qingyue: Your Profound Vein is indeed disabled, but it is not a congenital deformity. You were probably attacked when you were very young and someone directly destroyed your Profound Vein!

Jean: 'And here is the Nuke'