When Jean, Yun Che and Jasmine entered New Moon City only the former two were in stupor, while Jasmine was looking around with a normal face
Jean: Whoa, New Moon City is really good only from the city gates
Yun Che: This is a large city after all. In comparison, Floating Cloud City only resembled a slightly large town *sigh*
Jean: Well, sorry for insulting that poor excuse of a town...
Yun Che: 'Fuck you!'
then he looked around and stopped a middle-aged man who looked ro be relatively good-natured, and politely asked him.
Yun Che: Hello, the uncle over there, If I may ask, where is the location of the Black Moon Merchant Guild?
man: Black Moon Merchant Guild?
the middle-aged man extended his hand and pointed
man: Head west straight from here, after crossing about seven streets, turn right and keep walking, then you'll arrive. However, Young man, for a place like Black Moon Merchant Guild, no matter buying or selling, it is necessary to have a considerate capital.
Yun Che followed his instructions and found himself in front of the building he was searching.
then he found a dark corner and disguised himself
Jean: UNCLE?!
Jasmine/Yun Che: wait what?
Jean started laughing loudly inside the pearl, when he calmed down he told his only two friends
Jean: I don't know what luck you have but that is exactly the face of my uncle before i came in that void you called Mind
Yun Che: well, it doesn't matter, i need to sell something and i need a disguise... oh yeah, Jean, could you change my eyes like they were when we were in front of the dragon? It will help with the intimidation factor...
Jean smirked because he has a chance to show off again and possessed again Yun Che's body
Jean: 'time to acting tough!'
then he entered the building while receiving many gazes filled with a little bit of reverence for possessing a capital to enter the Merchant Guild, but he ignored everyone except for the man behind the counter, he was walking with a bamboo hat that covered his eyes when he took his head down
Worker: Buying or selling?
Jean took out three scarlet-colored pills and put them on the counter, then he said coldly
Jean: Three Fire Spirit Pills, make an offer...
the worker's expression changed slightly, and when he checked the rank of the pills he got a shocked face and put them in a wooden box right away to preserve them, then he courteously said
Worker: These three Fire Spirit Pills of the tenth rank are the best of the best, as for the price... I will give you a hundred purple profound coins each; therefore, how about three hundred purple profound coins total?
Jean's face didn't change and told him
Jean: three hundred and twenty purple profound coins...
the person who was working was sweating a bit and accepted it, giving the Profound Currency Card to Jean, then Yun Che from inside him mind was telling him
Yun Che: hey Jean, sell that fake i created before!
Jean nodded and then took out from his sky poison pearl a fake emperor realm profound core and placed that too in the counter, when the worker checked the profound core he said with a moment of hesitation
Worker: This... This... This this this... dragon core! Not only that, it's an Emperor Profound Dragon Core!!
Jean got a bit annoyed from him and told him
Jean: Tsk... Make this damn offer, I have more important things than staying in this trash you call New Moon City...
the worker started shacking his legs in fear, normally no one would insult a town, specifically inside the Black Moon Merchant Guild, but the feats done from the man in front of him proved that he hed the privileges to do so, he got over his fear and said shackingly
Worker: Esteemed customer, please... please wait a moment. For such an important matter, this little one here does not have the authority to make decision...
then he turned back and shouted towards the floor above
Worker: Elder Pu, come quickly! It's an important business matter! Quick!
then a short elderly man appeared and made his way to the counter
Elder Pu: Important business matter?
Worker: Elder Pu, come... come look!
the short elderly man glared at the worker and told him
Elder Pu: *Humph* Get a hold fo yourself, how can you let such a small profound core put you in this state! Could it be that this is a Sky Profound core? Look at you, people will start to think that our Black Moon Merchant Guild is lacking!
when he checked the profound core he stated shackly with a voice an octave higher than the worker
Elder Pu: Emp... Emperor Profound... Dragon Core!!
Jean got more annoyed about how they yell and told them with a low and displeased voice
Jean: Only for a mere core you start to get insane, like i said to your worker there, i don't have much time to stay in this poor excuse of a Merchant Guild, I could just fly to the Divine Phoenix City to sell this useless trash to them, be honored... 'It's fucking epic acting tough, is this how Xu Que feels when he started acting tough in USS?'
Yun Che: who?
Jean: 'don't mind it, something from my old home...'
Elder Pu started shacking a bit and asked to the guest respectfully
Elder Pu: Esteemed Customer, would it be possible to tell us your honorable name?
Jean in his mind started smirking and told himself 'It's time...' before raising his head a bit to show his glowing eyes with black slits, and asked with a cold demeanor
Jean: Your Black Moon Merchant Guild just conducts business transactions, when did it add on a new rule of asking for someone's name?
(eye's Victim vision TM)
when the elder and the worker made eye contact with Jean's one it seemed like their entire world started distorting around Jean, they also felt their body thightening everywhere and stopped moving, they started to broke out in a cold sweat and the worker pissed himself in the pants, they felt as if a God came in front of them and told them that they would die right at that moment, then with a shacking voice, eyes closed, tears going down and a really high pitch the elder said to Jean
Elder Pu: Sorry... It's just that...*hit* this little one was admiring your excellency... not many people can take out an Emperor Profound beast...*hic* Nevertheless an Emperor Profound True Dragon... and treating it like it was only an insect... please don't kill me....*hic*
when Jean got bored from the show he closed his eyes and sighed, the moment he did so the elder and worker blinked and everything seemed turning to normal to them
(normal vision)
Jean then lowers his head covering again his eyes, and said
Jean: just give me the money that this useless core can get me
the old man regained control of himself after some second while the worker was in the ground still shacking, the old man bitterly smiled and said while his legs were still shacking
Elder Pu: Esteemed Customer, although this Pu greatly desires the Emperor Profound Dragon Core, I do not want to hide the fact that this profound core is so valuable that even if i would offer the entire value of this Black Moon Merchant Guild's branch, it is only worth one fifth of this Emperor rofound Dragon's core.
However, if Esteemed Customer is set on selling it, it would be better to go to our Black Moon Merchant Guild branch located in Blue Wind Imperial City, they will be able to offer you a price that is to your satisfaction...
Jean took back the profound core without the slighest change in facial expression, then he asked
Jean: What kind of person is Sikong Han?
the question startled the old man but he politely replied
Elder Pu: In New Moon City, this Pu only knows of one called Sikong Han. He is the Great Elder of the New Moon Profound Palace appointed here by the Imperial Family; he is an upright individual with a very high standing in New Moon City. Is there some kind of relationship between Esteemed Customer and Sikong Han?
Jean only snorted and left before hearing Jasmine voice
Jasmine: Jean? could you later make a dress like that?
Jean glanced towards the direction she was pointing and seen a dark red dress, it was a small, yet exquisite dress that was clearly made for a young lady, then he smiled in his mind and told her that he will do it, Jasmine had a smile at his answer and repeated some times "thank you!" to Jean, who started chuckling silently, then he heard Yun Che's voice
Yun Che: Wow, you are fantastic, you should help me more when intimidating someone!
Jean: 'Heh, i will, it is funny seeing the different reactions of the peoples here'
then he gave back control to Yun Che and created the dress that Jasmine wished and received an hug from her, when she got out from the changing room Jean mouth's opened from the beauty she was releasing in that dress, but Jean calmed right away before Jasmine noticed and told her with a smile
Jean: you are really beautiful in those clothes...
Jasmine: 'he thinks I am beautiful!' *humph* It's obvious that i am so beautiful in clothes like this!
Jasmine stated a bit arrogantly but Jean caught her blush and started laughing at her attempt while Jasmine was embarassed from failing to show Jean that she was not a weak willed girl and angrily pouted at him, now Yun Che and the rest of the group in the sky poison pearl were going towards the New Moon Profound Palace.