A Family of Retards!!!

When Yun Che got outside the room given to him, he found Xiao Tiannan pacing back and forth nearby, when he got spotted from him, Xiao Tiannan quickly walked to Yun Che with a joyous face and spoke

Xian Tiannan: Senior, did you had a good rest? If there's anything you need to say, please do not hesitate to say so

Yun Che(Jean): the bed was pretty comfortable, it was since a while that i didn't felt the freshing air of a mountain so i felt better. Lets go and see how the little fella's doing

When Yun Che got to the room with Xiao Luocheng inside, the latter revealed a grateful expression and started to struggle to rise to his feet and said

Xiao Luocheng: Junior Xiao Luocheng... Thanks Senior Genius Doctor for saving my life and gracing me with the chance of rebirth...

Jean: this scene is so good that I almost want to not crush their hopes...

Yun Che: 'what do you mean? Now you are against it?'

Jean: I said 'Almost'!

then Yun Che grinned in his heart and let Jean talk

Yun Che(Jean): haha, it's the thought that counts. With your body like this, don't move about too much

Jean: I am already becoming sick about acting like this, Retard, take control

Yun Che: 'wait a bit, the funny part is coming, now just act angry at the signal'

Jean: *sigh*

Yun Che(Jean): Come, let me take a look at your veins

then Yun Che touched Xiao Luocheng's right wrist and his face darkened

Yun Che: 'here's the signal'

Yun Che(Jean): I said it before, you would not let him eat anything, what did you do? You fucking let him eat something!

both the son and father winced at the words he used and got pretty scared when Yun Che turned towards them

Yun Che(Jean): Now repeat what the hell did I say before?

Xiao Tiannan: Don't let him eat anything because he has a weak body…

Yun Che(Jean): and what the fuck did you do?

Xiao Tiannan was full of shame about being treated like a kid, but in front of the man who saved his son and because it was his fault he couldn't do anything

Xiao Tiannan: We… Let him eat…

Yun Che(Jean): I didn't listen, the fuck are you saying?!

Xiao Tiannan: We let him eat!

Yun Che(Jean): and now tell me, why in the nine circles of Hell you did it?

Xiao Tiannan: Senior, this… This… is this junior's wife's eagerness to dote on her child. She thought that such a heavy injury would be extremely taxing on one's body and should have a bit of nourishment. Added with Luocheng's complaints of hunger, it then caused my humble wife to simmer a bowl of chicken soup

Yun Che(Jean): And why in the FUCKING GODS! did you let her give him food and stood in silence?

every time Jean said something, Xiao Tiannan could just talk with fear like a little child that is being reprimated from their parents

Xiao Tiannan: I... Senior... I d-

Yun Che(Jean): don't you fucking dare to use that excuse of not knowing about it! Was I barking when I were telling you to not give him nothing to eat?

Xiao Tiannan: no... I heard you...

Yun Che(Jean): and now do you know what happened?

Xiao Tiannan just shook his head with his head down

Yun Che(Jean): Raise that shitty shell you call head! I didn't finished to talk with you!

Xao Tiannan did as he said and looked to Yun Che's eyes, frightening the former

Yun Che(Jean): not only you were murdering your son... You even made this fucking work 10 times harder! Now tell me, why should I help this family of retards, that can't even listen to a single motherfucking order?

Xiao Tiannan kneeled in the floor and asked with despair

Xiao Tiannan: Senior... Senior please calm down! It was this junior's ignorance! I was unable to properly instruct my wife. This was entirely my fault! As long as senior calms down, this junior is willing to accept any punishment. I will guarantee that such a thing will never happen again...

Senior, it was all this junior's ignorance! But my son has done nothing wrong and at present, his injuries are extremely severe. If senior does not help him, then he will certainly be crippled for life! I beg senior to be merciful, save my son!

Yun Che(Jean): I don't want an excuse or bullshit like that! I said WHY should I help you?

Xiao Tiannan just stared at the floor in despair and was almost crying, and then Yun Che glanced towards Xiao Luocheng for a minute before telling something at Jean

Yun Che: 'Remember about the plan?

Jean: yeah yeah, i know, but still it's funny berating someone like this, it was a while that i didn't released myself like now

Yun Che(Jean): *sigh* Forget it, Even though you and your herd of animals you call family dumped this sack of shit on me, in most cases, I would just let the sack of shit fall in your feet and leave, but... *sigh* This kid, is really too similar if compared to my little grandson when he was young... Haaah... indeed too similar... Kid, your name is.... Xiao Luocheng?

Xiao Luocheng: yes, this junior is named Xiao Luocheng

Yun Che(Jean): Long time ago, I had a grandson, he was a bit like me, sometimes arrogant, other times happy, and liked to hear my stories about how i healed now important figures, he then decided to become a doctor and following my steps.

But died from the same thing he admired and loved, when he got pretty famous at the age of 16, a jealous doctor killed him with a knife in the throat... obviously i payed him back with a knife to his entire family before killing him with the same knife he used on my grandson...

Even though I possess medical prowess that can pierce the heavens, I can't revive people. But now that I've met you, I can't help but remember the looks of my little grandson...

Both the father and son duo listened to his story, when he said that he got revenge they were full of respect and horrified at the method he used for the revenge, and when he said that Xiao Luocheng was similar to his grandson they had hope

Xiao Tiannan: Senior's little grandson.... He was surely an exceptional genius without peer?

Yun Che(Jean): that would be an insult... if given more 5 years, he would surely overcome even me as i am now

Xiao Tiannan was shocked, a man whose age was not even 20, got so much talent that he almost got past the world class doctors like the one in front of him, but then he got even more hope in his eyes

Xiao Tiannan: My son Luocheng and your noble grandson are similar in appearances, their ages are similar too... This is simply a fate destined by heavens! Since senior misses his grandson so much, and can't forget the grief from back then, why don't... Why don't you let Luocheng recognize you as his godgrandfather? On one hand, this may ease your longing for your grandson. On the other hand, Luocheng is also gravely injurd at the moment.

If Luocheng can make a full recovery, wouldn't this happen to settle your regret for not being able to treat your grandson back then? Lastly... Senior has graced Luocheng with the kindness of rebirth. Luocheng is a pure and good child...

Jean: yeah and I never offended anyone

Yun Che and Jasmine laughed at that comment while Jean was listening to what Xiao Tiannan was saying

Xiao Tiannan: ... he will definitely be as filial to you as he would treat his real grandfather. So... What does senior think?

Jean: fake the tears!

Yun Che(Jean): Do... Do you really mean it?

Xiao Tiannan: Luocheng! Hurry up and greet grandpa!

Xiao Luocheng: Grandpa!

Yun Che(Jean): What... What did you call me?


Jasmine was laughing at him while Yun Che was grinning about the revenge that he could give Jean after all those things he did and said to him

Jean: Retard! I am going to be a bit rougher in the training!


Xiao Luocheng: Grandpa! As long as grandpa does not mind, from now on, I'll be your grandson