so... how many pentakills are those?

While Jean and Lan Xueruo were touring in the village, Jean heard Jasmine's voice

Jasmine: hey Jean, what are you doing there?

Jean: 'Well, there was a pretty big incident before while you were watching Bleach and now I am in Retard's body until he regains consciousness, so, was it only for that or is there any other thing you need to say? Because this place has a pretty strange feeling…

Jasmine: yes, strangely this place had the Phoenix's essence

when he heard that Jean stopped in his feet and said aloud

Jean: wait what?

Lan Xueruo: what is happening Jean?

Jean: no, nothing much, just feeling a strange sensation around the village

Feng Baichuan: oh, that is the protection of the divine Phoenix, are you here for the treasure?

Jean: no, like Lan Xueruo said before, we were only passing from here

Feng Baichuan: I believe you...

Jean: wait, so easily?

Feng Baichuan: certainly, I don't feel any malicious intent and you saved out children, but I want to advise you to not remain here too long, we are currently facing a disaster, and if you people stay here longer you might be involved

Jean: well, I have a question, why you are all at the Elemental Profound Realm? I might get it that there aren't so many resources or anything, but for everyone being at the same level…

Feng Baichuan: It's our curse, many decades ago there was a man who could use the flames of the divine Phoenix, but one time his power corrupted him and burned everything only because he wished so…

From that moment, the divine Phoenix put a curse at him, to lower his powers to the 10th Elementary Profound Realm, but that curse then was transmitted to the younger generation, and continued like this until we were born, and like this will continue...

he was interrupted from a voice outside

?: HAHAHAHAHA! Do you think we're three year olds? Who would believe your lies! Today, our captain and vice-captain have both came personally. If you continue to play dumb, see if we'll wipe out your entire clan!

Lan Xueruo got frown from the familiar voice of one of the three mercenaries

Lan Xueruo: Not good, Jean, the Black Demon Mercenaries Group actually came today.

Jean: already?

?: Is there little beauty from yesterday here! No treasure? That's fine too! Just hand out that little beauty first! Let us uncles enjoy ourselves first, and perhaps we'll even forget about the treasure, hahahaha.

Jean: ok fuck this shit, I am going outside!

Lan Xueruo: wait! you can't! you are still not fully healed and there may even be some stronger than me!

Jean: haaaah... Xueruo.... I am not Yun Che... Don't underestimate me, now, let me go and fix everything.

then Jean got out from the village and seen more than an hundred of mercenaries, when they notice him they started to grin

random man: Heh, what do you want? becoming an hero for these weak people? Then I will put you down while I enjoy that bea-*pew*

the random man was interrupted from a little laser that got in his heart, killing him instantly, the others seen the falling body and got angry towards Jean.

Jean: Oops. My hand slipped

random man: KILL HIM!

everyone rushed at him, but Jean just said to them

Jean: I just got out and I got such a welcome... I think I should respond to it with an equal happiness...[Naruto Shippuden Ost - Propeth+Crimson Flames]

Jean: It was a while since i killed something...

then raised an hand and stretched his fingers and start shooting many beams from his fingers killing some of them, then one came behind him but got blocked from a Ki barrier and his weapon broke, then he stretched the other hand and charged a ki blast in his palm and shotted, killing him instantly.

Then he walked forward, putting fear to the others in front of him because they were looking at him in the eyes, and now he just swinged an arm horizontally and the moment later a certain area exploded from the Ki Jean emitted from his arm, only some dozens remained, he concentrated a bit of Ki in his feet and expelled it to start flying while bringing his arms behind his back.

the mercenaries were watching him with open mouths, they knew that only when you get to Sky Profound Realm then you could start fly, so they and the villagers though that Jean was a Sky Profound Cultivator.

Then he stretched again his palm and shotted a big beam towards a group and killed them too, now only 3 remained, they were two vice-captains and the captain himself, the third vice-captain was the one who got behind Jean and got killed in one hit like the others.

Captain: Please have mercy on us! We will leave forever from here and never disturb anymore!

Jean started floating near the remaining 3 and said while stretching a finger

Jean: you know... they said to never expect too much, the higher the expectation, the bigger the disappointment, and that's what I am now, I hoped for a better fight... but, don't blame me for this, maybe you will have a better life later... Nah, you will not

then he shot right in the captain's brain and the other two remaining vice-captains, now he was falling slowly and got back to the village who was cheering on him, Lan Xueruo who spectated everything had a bit of fear on her eyes but still got near Jean

Lan Xueruo: are... are you ok?

Jean just smiled at her and the combination of that sincere smile and those frightening eyes made her heart beat faster and get a blush, meanwhile inside the pearl Jasmine was getting a bit jealous

Jasmine: *Hmph!* Just because I am not growing yet, he goes to other girls! otherwise he would come behind me!

outside, Jean smiled at her demeanor right now but inside him he was a bit sad

Jean: 'I hoped it would not happen... now I need to manage two girls... It's obvious that Jasmine was trying to gain my attention after that kiss, and I hoped it would be only her near me... But now it will be a chaos... well, it doesn't matter anymore, when I get a body I will think about what to do...'

Jean: Yes I am fine

Feng Baichuan: Oh thank you to saving us from the Black Demon Merchant Group! If you have anything to ask, then just do it!

Jean: since Clan Leader wants to repay me somehow I would ask if I can talk with the Phoenix for a bit

Feng Baichuan got a frown and asked Jean

Feng Baichuan: for what? You want to do the trial?

Jean: well, maybe, but it is mainly to request something from the Phoenix

Feng Baichuan: well, even if you asked me to let you do the trial I would accepted, but yes you can.

Jean: fantastic!

Lan Xueruo: what trial?

Feng Baichuan: The Phoenix's Trial, if you can complete it then you would receive the divine Phoenix's blessing, but it is so difficult that only one man actually did it, and it was the same man that made the divine Phoenix curse us.

Jean was walking towards the Trial ground guided from the Clan Leader while Lan Xueruo was following them, then they arrived at their destination

Feng Baichuan: Here it is, the trial ground, you can talk to the divine Phoenix here

Jean: ok, thanks for guiding me, oh yeah, Xueruo, in case I am not back, don't worry about me I will not die or anything, I am pretty strong...

then Jean entered the trial ground and suddenly the scene in front of him distorted and closed his eyes unconsciously, when he opened them again, he found only darkness