[1 week later from that moment]
Jean and Jasmine were still watching the TV when finally Yun Che completed his trial, if there still was Chu Yuechan, then she would greatly slow down Yun Che, but now that he doesn't have restraints he killed all the 99999 beasts that he should have killed in 1 year.
Azure Dragon: Congratulations, young human, you completed the stage perfectly, when you could use the Immortal Soul's help, you didn't, and tried to do it all alone, and you did it in less than half of the time I gave you.
Yun Che: thank you... It is because I need to return in a place I had previously settled in withing twenty four days, thus, I hope that the third stage of the trial would not take that long.
Azure Dragon: well, for the third trial you can't do nothing.
Yun Che: what do you mean?
Azure Dragon: you aren't the only one who challenged me, there is still the Immortal Soul inside you that requires my soul. This will be the third trial, Defeat me.
Jean/Jasmine/Yun Che: wait what?!
Azure Dragon: I will use my powers to create a temporary body for the soul called Jean, one strong enough to contain his power as much as possible, and we will fight, if he wins, then I am going to give my soul, if he loses, then I will kick you out from the trial ground.
Because I am just a spirit myself, I am incredibly weaker than the original Primordial Azure Dragon, and I am sure that even the Immortal Soul want a battle with someone more similar to his current strength, and you can spectate our fight
Yun Che(Jean): When do we start?!
Azure Dragon: right now. I already created the body when I was sure that the young human could complete the trial. I am going to put you myself, just close your eyes.
Jean did as he said and then found himself in a blank dummy, when he tried to punch he could feel that he was weaker than his original one. then he looked around and found himself in a flat plain full of grass, there wasn't anything else, no trees, no animals, no rocks, just grass.
Then he looked up and found the entire body of the Azure Dragon, it was too long, he couldn't even find where his tail was, his width was as big as a house with 3 floors and cellar included.
his entire body was covered with azure scales, and had giant limbs capable of destroying an entire accademy with just a swing if he didn't use profound energy.
Azure Dragon: I see you don't have any fear inside you after seeing my body, I am pleased. Right now your body is at the level of a 10th Divine Master Realm, while mine is at the 7th of the Divine Extinction Realm. Even if we are far away from our original strength, I am sure that this battle will be recorded in every book if there was som-
Jean: Can you just shut up?! We both know that we want a fight, and we will start now!
then Jean flew towards the head of the dragon and charged a fist with Ki before punching forward, the dragon answered using his head to hit him and a shockwave was created at their meeting, then both of them retreated but were still flying, now the dragon was rushing towards Jean but he dodged under him.
But he didn't expect him to use his limb to attack him so Jean put his arms forward to protect himself, when his arms met with the dragon's limb, the latter made Jean fly away while the dragon continued to fly in the sky.
Yun Che and Jasmine were spectating their fight from a window in the space, Yun Che was shocked when he heard that Jean's new body was incomparably weaker than their original one, and when the dragon and Jean met with their attack, both of them had wide eyes from the power emanating from their attack.
Yun Che: Is... is that really Jean?
Jasmine: mh... I also didn't knew he could be so strong in less than a year... and his body is still limiting him...
Yun Che: what do you mean?
Jasmine: When Jean took possess of your body, he could only make Ki blasts because if he infused a bit of his power inside your body, you would explode, but it seems that after some time he learned to concentrate himself while putting Ki inside your body but even that is a delicate work. But that body is too weak to take on Jean's current power of a Divine Extinction Realm.
Yun Che: what is the Divine Extinction Realm? even some months ago Jean said that it didn't matter.
Jasmine: It is a realm that goes even further than mine but like he said it doesn't matter right now, because that is still far away from his limit, he could challenge the real Primordial Azure Dragon in physical strength if he had a body, and is Ki can go even further than that.
Yun Che: woah...
Jean and the Azure Dragon were still fighting, now Jean had both of his palms raised forward and was shooting his Ki blasts at the body of the Azure Dragon, it did really little damage but the latter could still feel a stinging pain in that zone, so he rushed again at Jean with the intent of eat him alive.
Jean could see that so he put down his palms and expelled a beam to make him fly over the incoming head of the Azure Dragon, then he did the same thing but he put the palms over him to propel him towards the body of the Azure Dragon, when Jean's feet connected with the Azure Dragon, the latter shook a bit from the force of Jean.
When he recovered himself he turned around but couldn't find Jean anywhere, meanwhile Jean, who was still in the back of the Azure Dragon, was charging a strong Ki blast, when it got to the right size and power, the dragon found Jean ready to hit him.
But he got too late because Jean already took down the blast connecting with the Dragon and making the latter fly towards the ground, when he connected with the plain he raised a giant cloud made of dirt.
But Jean started to get a bit tired from this battle while the Dragon was accumulating injuries after injuries
Azure Dragon: I congratulate with you, warrior, even if our power is still far away from the original selves, you could still match me, but we both are tired, we will decide everything in a single attack. Prepare yourself.
Then in the Azure Dragon's mouth he started to prepare an orb made of pure and dense Profound Qi, while Jean just raised his finger upwards
Yun Che and Jasmine were watching the battle with wide eyes, never in their life they though that they could watch a fight like this, and it seemed that Jean was learning to fight better while in battle.
With every attacks that met together hey would release a shockwave stronger than the previous one.
Every time Jean attacked the Dragon he damaged him little by little, while he dodged the attacks of the dragon, but sometimes he would get hit creating bruises one the dummy that was his body.
When Jean took in the ground the dragon, they could hear him talk
Azure Dragon: I congratulate with you, warrior, even if our power is still far away from the original selves, you could still match me, but we both are tired, we will decide everything in a single attack. Prepare yourself.
Then they seen the Dragon charging an attack from his mouth while Jean just raised his finger, Yun Che didn't know what he wanted to do but Jasmine who watched Dragon Ball together with him had an idea about what it was.
Jasmine: he won...
While the dragon was charging his attack, he was suspicious about what Jean wanted to do, but with his keen eyes he could find a really little Ki ball in Jean's finger, it was red and orange, but different from the other Ki blasts of Jean.
Then it suddenly started to expand, it was becoming to the size of a wheel, some seconds later it was at the size of a car, more seconds later it became to the size of a normal house, and it continued to get bigger and bigger until it stopped at the size of the dragon himself if he was curled in a ball.
The dragon and Yun Che were fearful about an attack like that while Jasmine smirked, the the dragon though
Azure Dragon: 'So I never had a chance to win... His powers were already over mine since the start of the battle, he just didn't know how to fight, and even that he teached himself while fighting me... Well, like some cultivators said, it was worth a shot...'
then he released his attack revealing an azure beam coming from his mouth, while Jean just lowered his finger and the Supernova he created was descending towards the dragon beam.
When the attacks made contact, it was clear who won, comparing an attack of a 7th Divine Extinction Realm to one of a 10th Divine Extinction was like comparing the 10th Sovereign Profound Realm to an Emperor Profound Realm.
Since Jean's body was weaker than what he required to use the full capability of his Ki, he could only use 20% in his body to strengthen himself, but external attacks could still use the 100%.
He just weakened his Ki blasts to a level where the dragon would not be wary of him and think he was still at the level he was before he entered the trial, they were around 35%.
But when he said to make the final attack, he got excited to finally use his 100% and prepared one of his favorite moves after the Kamehameha, the Supernova, even when Frieza was at his first stage, he could use it to destroy the entire planet Vegeta, and that speaks volumes for someone who had only 500k battle power.
When the attacks made contact, the Supernova didn't slow down and just continued at his pace while the Dragon beam was scattering around because it didn't have any effect to the Supernova, so the dragon surrended himself and disappeared from the plain when the Supernova was near him.
When the attack made contact with the ground. It got a bit deeper before exploding and releasing an energy capable to destroy 2 or 3 Star Realms(Ex. Snow Song Realm) together if they were glued to each other. The explosion made was just going forward and destroying the boundless plain.
When the attack finished instead of a plain there was just a planet size hole which was increadibly deep. around the hole instead of the plain there was only a wasteland.
Then Jean got a victorious smirk while the world around him started to spin around and found himself in front of the eyes of the Azure Dragon and his companions Yun Che and Jasmine who was still inside the pearl, but he was still in a blank dummy.
Azure Dragon: I congratulate with you for winning that fight, even if I had my original body I would still be damaged a bit from that majestic attack. Now I can give you my soul, but before I need to give the rewards to the young human. Since giving the Dragon Blood to the Immortal Soul is impossible, you will receive all six the drops of my Dragon Blood.
then he gave the drops of his blood to Yun Che who started to integrating with them. Meanwhile Jean entered back the sky poison pearl with Jasmine who hugged him from his accomplishment when suddenly she could feel a gaze watching her and found that the dragon seen her, then she got outside and started talking with a cold tone.
Jasmine: You're actually able to find out about this princess' existence.
then both Jasmine and the Azure Dragon conversed a bit before she turned back to the pearl and stood with Jean