Indiana Jones + Cultivation World = Jean

A room which was quiet and neatly arranged. Rays of light which were not too bright spilled through the half-open bamboo window, hence, the room was not overly dim. Yun Che's body quietly laid on the soft bed, it was smeared with medicine which did not have a heavy smell.

He had already mantained this posture for three days, which also meant that he had been in a coma for entire three days.

Something strange was happening to his body, normally no one would able to detect what was happening, but if someone of a 'really high' ranking like True Gods or Gods of Creation would notice it, they would be shocked that a mere mortal would possess a Godly power.

Jean was making the Godly Ki flow in Yun Che's body, it needs extreme concentration, and making slow steps, otherwise the body will explode from the sheer power of his Ki.

He continued like this for three days, and it was nearing his complete recovery, the body was getting stronger and was adapting a bit to his Godly Ki, but still couldn't use not even a glass worth of it before the body explodes, then he interrupted it because there were some people incoming and though about letting the body regenerate itself.

Right now Yun Che opened his eyes to reveal azure dragon slitted eyes instead of their normal black.

Suddenly the door to the room was pushed open to reveal the figure of Cang Yue and Qin Wushang who was following from behind her, Cang Yue had a bowl of soup in her hands.

Jean: Yo!

Cang Yue was surprised and let out a yelp and almost made fall the bowl of soup, then she turned towards Jean who was in the bed almost fully recovered, but she still didn't knew it.

Cang Yue: Junior Brother Yun?

Jean: It's Jean

Cang Yue: what happened to Junior Brother Yun?

Jean: same thing of the moment in the Mountain Ranges, he's in coma.

Cang Yue: oh…

Jean: but it's ok, the body is almost full recovered, just some time to stabilize myself a bit and I can start another fight at 100%

Qin Wushang: Hoho, It's good that you're awake. This way, the Princess and I can finally feel at ease. Jean, do you know? you and Yun Che are already famous throughout the world, technically it's only Yun Che, but still… you're even titled as number one among the younger generation this year.

And you are entirely worthy indeed of this tite. But, I believe that with your character, you wouldn't overly care about such fame.

Jean: Titles? Well, this is the second step for conquering the world after becoming strong, heh… so, Yue, how long have I been down?

Cang Yue: It's already been three days

Jean: three days… when is the exploration of the Heaven Basin Secret Realm going to start?

Qin Wushang: The Heaven Basin Secret Realm will open on the day after tomorrow. If what you said about your condition is real, then you could partecipate in it.

then they left Jean alone, who sighed.

Jean: that fucker is in coma again... then what will happen the next time? I would take care of the 'Corpse' he will leave behind? heh...


Deep into the direct north of Heavenly Sword Mountain Range was a flat clearing. Withing the imposing Heavenly Sword Mountain Range filled with sword energy, this place was one that was completely different. The atmosphere was calm and quiet, and even the sounds of the wind were exceptionally soothing.

At noon, a group of people arrived. This group of people were all of the ten sects who had ranked in the top ten of the Ranking Tournament. This was the entrance to the Heaven Basin Secret Realm.

Jean was waiting there together with Qin Wushang, he was a bit excited, even if he still doesn't remember much about the novel he could recognize the place.

Ling Yuefeng: Shortly, the entrance to Heaven Basin Secret Realm will appear. Before that happens, I will need to remind all of you of some things.

Heaven Basin Secret Realm can only take at most fifty people at a time. With that said, each sect can only send five representatives. As for which five, you are free to choose. After entering the realm, you will only stay for two days.

After forty-eight hours, you will all be teleported back here against your free will. There's only one exception to this rule... And that is a dead person!

Do not ever think that the Heaven Basin Secret Realm only contains innumerable resources and treasures. At the same time, it also contains immeasurable danger! If you pay no heed to safety and are driven by greed, you may very well lose your life!

The Heaven Basin Secret Realm is immeasurably huge and there has never been anyone who was able to travel to the end.

Jean: 'heh, we will see...'

Ling Yuefeng: At the same time, what you see withing the Secret Realm changes every single time. Even if you've once traveled deep into the Secret Realm, you might see a completely new world this time around.

While exploring the Secret Realm, you can choose to travel aloe or travel in group. But in order to truly gain experience, the young and older generation should split up....

Ling Yuefeng finished his speech after a bit of time later. Now a spatial distortion had formed behind Ling Yuefeng. Its surface was just like a stormy wave, with layers and layers of constantly forming ripples.

The spatial ripples started to speed up its vibrations and began to revolve at high speed until it formed a gigantic swirling vortex, after some time later it became a jet black hole which was almost three meters long in diameter.

Ling Yuefeng: This is the entrance into the Heaven Basin Secret Realm. Each time the Secret Realm has been accessed, on average there will be 2 or 3 people who get left inside, anyone who wishes to back out may choose to do so now!

no one backed down

Ling Yuefeng: well, you can enter...

then everyone made a line and one after another entered the hole

Jean: *whistle* so this feels like space traveling.

when he and Qin Wushang got to the other side, they found only snow in front of them, it was cold, so Jean used his Ki to cover himself. Now Ling Jie came near him and asked

Ling Jie: Hey Jean, what happened to Boss?

Jean: he is still recovering inside his consciousness, don't worry about it, he will come back soon.

Ling Jie nodded and traveled alone like the others, soon Jean did the same thing and shot himself in a random direction.