Something Wrong

"What a surprise, coincidentally, I also have an epic buff potion."

The epic buff potion Auron showed, made other people reacted differently. Darius and his guild member looked surprised and felt pressured while Auron guild member looked brightened and excited.

Auron started to consumed the buff potion.

"Damn it." Darius cursed in his heart.

Seeing Auron consumed his buff potion, Darius charged to Auron and tried to catch Auron by surprise. Unfortunately, Auron quickly drank his buff potion and had prepared to take on Darius's attack.

"Bang," the sound of an ax and sword collided rang loudly. Darius pushed Auron back. Because of the potion, Darius can only manage to push Auron back several meters. He couldn't make Auron flew like the first clash. Auron moved sideways and maintained his distance with Darius.

"Damn it, how can this be. How can Auron has an epic buff potion, and I can't get the news?" Darius cursed. He looked at his guild member. All Darius' guild members in the crowd felt dejected. Darius pondered, "Is there a spy in my guild? How can I not know the news about this?"

"Where are you looking at Darius? We still have a battle to conclude. Don't run away," Auron smiled evilly. He started to launch his attack. He used some of his skills combined with his agility, and his basic attack get managed to chip away 30% of Darius' health.

"Damn it. I can only defend the attack and try to look for opportunity" Darius tried so hard to fight against Auron. With his high strength, he only managed to reduce 10% of Auron's health. "Damn it, because of the buff potion, he moved faster than before. Many of my attacks are missed." Darius started feeling nervous. "Relax, maintain my calm, I can still beat him. He is still a human, he can make a mistake. Focus, Focus, Focus"

With his mind calmed down, Darius started to defend. Darius could actually improve his performance. From ten exchanges, he can protect against 9 of the attack. This boosted Darius' confidence. Another ten moved. He actually managed to defend all of it and not getting damage.

"That is weird, Darius started to get faster" Auron pondered seriously. "Is he stealthily consumed another buff potion? I don't think there is another potion. From the looks of his behavior when he first showed his buff potion, he really confident that I will fell for his scheme. So, he must only prepare one buff potion."

"Forget it, I think he just got lucky, I need to get focus. If I manage to hit him again, I think he will get panic, and he can make a mistake. I need to vary my attack and boosted my speed," Auron was thinking strategically.

Auron started to varied his move pattern, he moved zig-zag toward Darius. Auron swung his sword. Darius prepared his ax to block the sword. Suddenly, midways, Auron stop his attack moved to the side, and swung another attack. Darius, taken by surprise, tried very hard to defend. He, reflexively, turned his body to the front and moved his hand.

"Bang" Darius ax manage to block Auron sword.

Auron was taken by surprise, he used his movement skill to move away from Darius. A look of shock could be seen in his face.

"Whew, so lucky," Darius felt relieved. "I don't know how can I block that, am I getting stronger? Forget it, I need to maintain these advantages". Darius laughed loudly, "Ha, ha, ha. Surprised? Already feeling lose?"

Auron's face got ugly, "You are just lucky! Try to block this one". Auron using [Charge] and moved toward Darius. Darius became serious. He swung his ax toward the charging Auron.

"Bang" Auron flew away because of the collision. Taken by surprise, Auron couldn't land properly and fell down.

"How can I fly away? Before, he can only push me back. There is something weird going on. I need to be careful," Auron felt strange. He got up and charging toward Darius. This time, he didn't use any skill and only used a combination of his footwork and basic attack. Auron used all of his moves. He moved zig-zag, attacking from the side, tried to circle around, and more. Auron tried to varied his attack pattern. However, Darius managed to block all of his attacks. He even managed to counter-attack Auron and chip some of Auron's health.

"There must be something going on, I need to maintain calm and be more observant." Auron thought. He looked at his health, there's only 42% left. While Darius still had 18% of his health left. While Auron was occupied by his thought, Darius used [Charge] and swung his ax toward Auron. Taken by surprise, Auron moved his sword to in front of his chest and tried to block Darius's attack.


"What!!!!" Auron's guild member in the crowd looked very surprised.

What made them very surprised was, in this collision, Auron actually flew farther than the crash before. Auron tried to get up. He couldn't hide his shocked face. "Darius, yo... you are shameless. You actually used two buff potions for this duel," Auron shouted. Auron was 100% sure that Darius prepared two buff potions. Auron started to get angry, his expression change from surprise to anger.

"What are you talking about? How can you accuse me?" Darius felt wronged. "I know you are incompetent, but I don't know it is to this extent. You are weak, I am stronger. You have to accept the fact," Darius proudly refuted. Actually, Darius also very surprised, but he managed to maintain his calm composure. "Forget it, I actually super lucky, he made many mistakes. I can win this," Darius thought. He started to smile widely, "You are always weak, you have to thank me for all of this time I played with you, now playtime is over."

Auron not believed by what Darius said. He knew all of this time Darius not playing with him. Suddenly, Auron got enlightened, he opened his attributes panel. He got surprised. All of his attributes got reduced a lot. He read his description status.

[Player inflicted by an epic curse, attribute temporally reduced. Every 10 seconds, all of the attributes will be reduced by 10% of the current attribute for 6 hours or until the player is dead]

"An epic curse, damn it."