Evil Mistress (1)

Not long after the notification appeared. A beautiful woman appeared from the hall's entrance and ran towards Auron. She wore a thin almost transparent white night gown. Her night gown made her body curve more stood out. Her beauty combined with her appearance could surely seduced a man.

A stream of tears could be seen running through her face. She wore a sad as well as worried expression on her face. She ran toward Auron while shouting pitifully, "What have you done to my husband?"

It looked like she had lost her whole world and there was nothing more in this world that could made her happy. She was like a frail beautiful woman letting out her anger to the killer of her husband. Moreover, because of her frail appearance, one could not help to feel pity on her.

When she only two step away from Auron, she wore a wide sinister smiled. Her claw suddenly grew longer. It was long enough for her to claw Auron from her position. She clawed towards Auron and aimed at his vital spot.

Clang. Auron blocked her claw and he kicked the woman. Kicked by Auron, the woman staggered backward. However, despite her frail appearance and force from a man, the woman didn't wore any painful expression. On the contrary, the woman laughed loudly like a crazy woman.

She suddenly float a little bit above the ground. Her expression become more sinister and bloody. She looked like a psychopath which had cold bloodily killed many human without any regrets. A wind suddenly come onto the room and surround her.

Baam. The hall's entrance door closed hard. The wind was so hard flew around her that one could even saw the wind with their naked eyes. A dark aura started to seep out from the woman and mixed with the wind around her. The aura was so dark that whoever touched it without protection could become crazy and cold blooded.

The effect last for about 30 seconds. After 30 seconds, the wind around the woman started to faded out. The woman appearance changed. Before, she was a frail and beautiful woman, but right now, she was like a strong devil that had enough strength to conquer the world.

The floated woman landed slowly to the ground. A very strong dark aura could be seen with naked eyes surrounding her. She wore a sinister smiled and then she pointed her finger toward Auron. A dark rays coming out from her finger and attacked Auron.

Auron easily dodged the rays and took step back maintaining his distance with the woman. This woman was the hidden boss of the dungeon, Evil Mistress. All of the scene from her running toward Auron and she shot a dark rays from her finger was actually a scenario that always played every time player fight with the hidden boss.

[Evil Mistress] (uncommon boss monster)

Level: 25

HP: 15000/15000

MP: 2500/2500

Skills: Summon undeads, Evils' Scream, Dark Rays

Description: A devil possessed the body of noble Rick's wife. Be careful, she is strong and sinister.

After the Noble Rick was killed, a woman frail and beautiful woman would appeared and crying his husband's death. With her pitiful appearance, if one didn't know about the scenario they would left their guard down. At that time, the boss would launched her claw toward all of the player. If her attack was a success, then it would guaranteed a critical hit and dealt a huge damage toward the player.

After she clawed toward the player, she would took a step back and transform to her true form like the scene played before. When she was transforming, the player could do nothing because the wind and dark aura protected her. So, the player could only wait until her transformation ended. However, when the transformation ended, the boss would shot a dark rays from her finger just like what she had did before towards Auron.

There was once a group of leveled 18 player with strong equipment met the hidden boss for their first time and they let their guards down. Just from the scenario played, that group lost all of their tank and melee player. Left with ranged and magic player only, they could not killed the boss and wiped out. However, because Auron knew about all of this, he could be prepared and dodged the attacked so he didn't take any damage.

The hidden boss started to summon her guards. 6 skeleton guards, 2 skeleton archers, and 2 ghouls appeared at her summon. She commanded her guards to attack Auron while she stayed on her spot.

Although Auron forgot about the skeleton archers on the right way on the first floor, however, he knew all about this hidden boss information. The boss has a high damage, however, she also had two weakness.

The first was after using her Dark Rays skill, she could not move for 1 minutes. She could only used her other skill than Dark Rays, or attack with her basic attack which was the claw. Although the claw was longer than usual claw, however it still was categorized as a melee attack, it ranged was as far as an ordinary sword. So, after the boss used her Dark Rays, the player could attack the boss using ranged attack and be safe because the boss could not fight back.

Her second weakness was unlike other boss that had regeneration rate of their health. This boss didn't have any regeneration so she could not regenerate their health when attacked. However, this boss could recover some health by consuming his summoned undead. The boss would summoned 6 skeleton guards, 2 skeleton archers, and 2 ghouls for 5 minutes. If in 5 minutes, there were some of her guards still had their health left, she would consumed all of her guards and recover her health in proportion of the consumed summoned undead's health.

As it had said before, the boss would used their skill based on their intelligence which corresponded with the boss grade. Although this boss' grade was slightly higher than the other monster's grades, uncommon was still considered as low grade and their intelligence could be classified as low.

"I need to clear out all of the summoned undeads." Auron though up his plan.