Hostage (3)

Seeing the chance to escape with his life, the prisoner didn't dare to waste any time. He carried Auron and went full speed toward the forest's entrance. With his strength halved due to [Restrict Chain]'s effect, his speed obviously wast slower than normal. However his speed now still considered fast enough since as an assassin speed was important.

Wind brushed Auron's face as the prisoner moved in full speed. Auron just stayed still and didn't dare to move or do something strange. He wished to obtained the information peacefully although he didn't know whether the information was valid or not. Moreover, with his strength now he could only escape or stalling time from the prisoner, he could forget about defeating the prisoner with his strength now.

Seeing Auron behaved well, the prisoner smirked. A good hostage was the hostage that didn't have many requested and just comply with whatever he wanted. And as a hostage, Auron seems to fit this kind of criteria.