Operation (2)

A crowd were seen on the academy's field. There were many noises and chattering around the area. Some were discussing about the operation gonna come. Some were discussing about last month ranking.

And, just like few ceremony before, the crowd was divided into two big group, the noble group and commoner group. However, this time, the commoner group had less people compared to the previous ceremony.

Meanwhile, at a corner on the field in the commoner's group, three people were talking to each other. This were Auron's group. They tried to guess on the operation's detail. When they were in deep discussion, they heard a group of people beside them also tried to guess the operation.

"I heard this operation was related to war zone" One of them stated.

"Really? Don't we had the upper hand in the bridge world?" His friends replied.

"No, you guys don't know anything." The other friend who seem to have inside story acted smart and explained.