Six days passed by, during the past six days, the enemies' attack starting to get harsher each day. Although, from the second day the number of enemy's player reduced, but the number of enemy's NPC increased.
It was no surprised since the enemy's player died a lot and they needed to recover their lost level to join the last huge wave. The enemy's player started to hunt to recover their level. What fortunate for them was the fact the enemy's had agreed to support them to recover their level.
Bit by bit, the number of student also reduced. From 323 students, they went down to 264 students after the first days. Thankfully, started on the second day after they employed the ambushed strategy, their casualties went down.
Only, 10 students died on after second day. However, the enemy also didn't stay still. After several attempt, they started to get the gist of the ambush strategy and they came up with the counter strategy.