Plan (3)

"Prepare to launch full attack!" The enemies player leader commanded.

"Pull two third troops from each ambushed group to join us launch the full attack!"

"Let the rest of them scatter around and seek an opportunity to slip through behind their back!"

Since their ambush strategy was obviously failed, they had to change their strategy. If they could not let their enemies came to their trap, then they should force their enemies went to their trap instead.

With the quantity advantages at their hand, it would be difficult for Auron's side to fight against endless enemies.

The enemies general started to do as what they had been commanded. Several commands were being sent across the battlefield. Several minutes later, two groups of enemies came to their side from each of their left and right.

Meanwhile, as the battlefield was in a stalemate and the enemies didn't came attacking like before, Auron's side stood tensely and watched enemies side movement.