As expected, as a royalty, the Fourth Prince had safety measure given to him by his Royal Father. Unfortunately, the scroll activated by Chaotic Death made this safety measure useless. He didn't panic at all.
From the encounter before, the Fourth Prince felt that although Chaotic Death was stronger than him, he still could handle him. Moreover, he still winning the last encounter. So, a useless safety measure didn't affect him too much.
However, when Chaotic Death used the potion, the Fourth Prince became serious and frowned his brows. 30% increased in fighting capability seems not too much. However, if the user was high leveled, then 30% means a lot.
A wind of nervousness entered the Fourth Prince. He didn't dare to be careless. He glanced at his comrade. The one of the two royal troops already killed his enemy and, right now, he was helping his royal troops friend to kill his enemy.