Clearing Out (2)

"Thank you young man!" Officer Emshire thanks Auron.

He looked at the group Auron brought. There were 7 mages including Auron and 2 archers. Combine with his group, they had 7 mages, 2 archers, 2 clerics, and 2 swordsman, the officers.

Despite having low number in the group, the enemy also had low on number. With the enemy they faced already dead, they left with 3 enemies including Chaotic Death who was chasing the Fourth Prince.

"Quick, we need to save the Fourth Prince!" Officer Molke reminded them.

All of them quickly left and chased after the Fourth Prince. They didn't even have any luxury to healed their injuries first.

"Damn, I'm out of mana potion. Can you guys gave some for me?" One of the cleric shouted and asked the others while running.

"Nope, I am also out of mana potion" The other cleric responded him.

"Me, neither. I didn't brought a lot of mana potion. But, I still had 2 health potions if anybody need it!" One of the archers said.