Bad News (1)

When Auron regained his sight, he was in front of his dorm's room. He was preparing to contact Keiran. However, before he could contact Keiran, he received a message from Keiran.

"I know why you wanted to meet me, but I don't think, we have to meet" Keiran started on his message.

"You don't have to blame yourself for their death. When they chose to enter the military, they should already know that they could be dead at any moment."

"So, you don't have to be sad, instead you have to be grateful that you still survive the war when even the Fourth Prince was in his deathbed"

"I don't want to meet you or else you will feel guilty. What I want you to do was to turn that sad or guilty feeling you feel became your motivation to get to the top and make sure that you revenge and destroy that Regalia's scum."

"Lastly, I know someday you can compete in the rank. Be strong!" Keiran ended his message.