Blacksmith Insignia (4)

Dang. Dang. Dang. A hammering sound resounded in the examination room. Auron was still on the process of hammering the iron mold. A little bit more, and he would finish beating the iron mold.

Sure enough, after 5 minutes, he finished emptying the iron mold's health bar. As soon as the iron's mold health bar hit zero, a blinding light shone from the iron mold. It was just for a short moment before the light disappeared.

When the light had gone entirely, the iron mold had gone, and nobody could not see the trace of iron mold. In return, at the place where the iron mold should be, there was another item that took its place. It was a sword.

When the hammering process had ended, the iron mold who had 'died' would magically transform into an equipment the same as the blueprint. If the blueprint were a sword, then the iron mold would turn into a sword. If it were an armor, then the iron mold would become an armor.

[Common Sword] (Common grade weapon)