Infighting? (3)

The coming demonic monster had a ferocious appearance. It had sharp claws on each of its fingers. Besides, it also had sharp teeth. There was also blood all over its body, which made the demonic monster appeared to be scarier.

The demonic monster's body appeared to be slim. However, don't underestimate the demonic monster. Although its body was thin, it was also sturdy. If an ordinary adult without enough strength punch its body, the man's hand would be broken.

"Prepare to defend!" Lieutenant Kajo shouted out.

The soldiers near Lieutenant Kajo prepared to receive the demonic monster's attack. However, not long after the bloody demonic monster came out from the forest, another demonic monster appeared behind it.

It seems the newcomer was chasing the bloody demonic monster. And it was not alone. From behind, there were two more demonic monsters followed the newcomer. The three newcomers were different from the bloody demonic monster.