Escape Plan (3)

"So, can you do it?" The man asked Auron.

"Yes, I must!" Auron firmly answered.

"But, can you tell me how we can get out from here?"

"Not yet. When you really can do it, I will guide you. You need to follow me closely!" The man refused to tell Auron the detail of his plan.

"Trust me! I will not lie to you!" The man tried to convince Auron.

"I wanted to. But, I cannot if you could not prove it? What if you leave me alone as soon as I finish my task?"

"I served the military for more than 20 years. How can you not believe me who had been protecting the country since you were still a kid."

"Nope, I don't believe you. I cannot even verify your story before."

"Then, how can I make you believe in me?"

"Tell me about your plan!" Auron kept insisting on inquiring about the plan's detail.