General Aston (2)

General Aston exited the room. Outside the room, Alice had been waiting for him. As soon as General Aston got out of the room, Alice ran towards him and hugged him.

Alice cried, "I am glad... I am glad you are still alive! Don't you go away again!"

If Auron could see this incident, he would be baffled. The evil and mighty Alice cried like a baby in front of her father. It was such a rare sight.

"Okay... Okay... That is enough. Hold your tears." General Aston calmed her down.

"Let us go back first! I haven't been able to take a bath for more than a month, I really smelly right now." General Aston invited her to come back home. Alice nodded, obeying, and followed General Aston back.

Alice was excitedly prepared a dish for her father. It was the first time she cooks again after a long time. After a few minutes, she finished making the dish.