Crisis (3)

Auron was running through the forest. Behind him, two swordsmen were chasing him. 

As Auron's movement skill disappeared, his movement speed began to slow down. The swordsmen who saw this began to take out their weapon.

The distance between Auron and the two swordsmen began to shorten. After a few seconds later, the gap was close enough for the swordsmen to use the [Wind Slash] skill. One of the swordsman immediately used that skill while the other one kept on chasing Auron.

Auron looked behind him and saw the skill coming towards him. He had no choice but to avoid it by moving to his left. His clothes fluttered as the [Wind Slash] passed by him.

When Auron was about to continue escaping, the other swordsman had arrived next to him. A sword was aiming towards Auron's chest.