Crisis (5)

As the younger swordsman slumped down to the ground, the older swordsman was in danger. It was even painful for him to stand up. He saw the younger swordsman died in front of his face.

With the younger swordsman's death, the older swordsman's fate was sealed. Moreover, the injuries on his leg was worse than he could imagine. He wanted to run away, but he could not.

Auron charged forward to the older swordsman. He felt the confidence to win this fight. So, he didn't even hold back anymore. He used the swordsman's movement skill.

Auron didn't care whether the older swordsman suspicious or not. He could not care about dead man anyways.

The boost in speed made the older swordsman shocked and could not anticipate Auron's attack. He raised his sword in front of him to block the attack. However, Auron had moved to his right and attack from that side.