Missing Clue (2)

The three bandits consist of two thieves and a swordsman. The third bandit, who was a swordsman, shouted, "Fight like a brave man, you coward!"

The third bandit was very furious about this sneak attack. As the leader out of the three bandits, he commanded the other two, "Maintain your vigilance. Don't let the enemy take you down!"

Another [Fire Bolt] made way to the three bandits. However, as the bandits already knew they were under attack, they were very alert. It was difficult to take down an alerted enemy from far away.

With no choice, Semial came out and showed himself. He was the only melee among Auron's group. However, he was still far away from the three bandits' location.

The third bandit also saw Semial showed himself. So, he came up with a plan and whispered to the other two. He had to take a safety measure since the mage didn't come out.