Destroy the core II (2)

"How could this happen?" The king asked all of the people present in the room.

The king immediately held an emergency meeting after hearing the disaster. Inside the room, there were his sons and daughters as well as his trusted general, including General Elbert.

One of the military higher-ups answered, "Based on what we know, this happens due to an ancient ruin that we had been investigating."

"Ancient ruin?" The king's eyes brightened when he heard about ancient ruins.

Ancient ruin was not something that could be underestimated. Its presence brought disaster to the world. If they could not handle it correctly, they could have been wiped out. However, with the catastrophe coming, the treasures and wealth also followed suit.

If they could handle the ancient ruin that caused this and get into the treasure troves, all of this damage would be worthed it.

"Who found it?" The king asked.