Giant Papillon (1)

"Hah..." A swordsman rolled on the ground to avoid the boss giant, then he used his [Shield Bash].

Usually, [Shield Bash] would stun the boss for at least one or two seconds. However, this giant boss only flinched for less than a second and attacked him.

The boss stomped his feet, but the swordsman raised his shield and stopped the giant's stomp with his shield.

This swordsman was one of the famous people in Two Worlds. His character name was Iron Wall. From the start, he already decided to build his swordsman as a tank. So, all this time, he poured 90% of his attribute points to vitality.

The reason for Iron Wall's famous name was because he was considered as the best tank players in the game. As a tank, he would use a shield and a one-handed sword to play the swordsman. He also brought equipment with high vitality or defend to support his role as a tank.