Promotion (1)

Back to when Auron was in the Fourth Prince's resort. After asking on the way to get stronger quickly, the Fourth Prince had promised him for one way. However, he had to wait for at most two days for the Fourth Prince to arrange the administration since Auron's swordsman character was not in the military.

Unfortunately, an hour later, a messenger from the Fourth Prince gave him news that the plan had to be postponed because of the royal meeting. The Fourth Prince would provide him with follow-up news at a later date.

Initially, Auron was excited because of the Fourth Prince's promise. However, it looked like his excitement had to be postponed as well.

After finishing his schedule with the Fourth Prince, Auron still had one other thing to do for the day. He settled down his swordsman character and went to his mage character. Yes, he had to claim his expedition's rewards.