First Match (1)

The next day came, it was already in the afternoon when Auron walked to where the promotion test took place. He already prepared really well.

Auron had researched his opponents beforehand. His opponent right now was a level 288 Mage. Auron deliberately chose this mage because he was also a mage. As a mage, even though Auron could fight in close combat, but of course, he would choose the easier option.

Auron knew that his current opponent had experience in close combat as a mage. However, he believed that he still could overpower his opponent.

Not only that, but Auron also had researched the most used skill from his opponent. It turned out his opponent was a specialized mage. His opponent only learned ice-type spells. 

Auron was waiting for his opponents. There were still 5 minutes more before the appointed time. Not long after, a commotion was heard. Auron's opponent came. However, he was not alone.