Primavera City (5)

The pressure on the general in charge's team suddenly increased. The frontline started to get pushed back by the enemies' elite. Meanwhile, Auron, who was also included in this general in charge's team, also felt the same things.

Enemies started to charge nonstop and fearless. As a mage who was at the back of the team, usually, he would easily felt safe when his frontline was still intact in front of him. However, right now, he could not feel safe anymore, even though the frontline in front of him was still intact.

Auron tried his best to ignore his bad feeling. He kept on throwing spells while maintaining his vigilance. However, his bad feelings not gone. Instead, it grew worse than before.

The soldiers in front of Auron started to get pushed back. Auron gritted his teeth and moved back as the backline had also moved back.