Tower Training (3)

Auron had 3 [Smole]'s heads from 100 that he needed. However, he was not in a hurry; rather, he wanted to do this carefully.

Right now, Auron's goal was not to go to the next level, but he wanted to reunite with his mage character first. He was afraid that his mage would be eliminated in this kind of environment.

This was still the first floor. From what Auron had heard before, there were no rewards inside the first floor. The first floor served as an elimination round to set the minimum standard for the participating soldiers.

Fortunately, after 5 minutes, both of Auron's character could meet with each other. After reunited, Auron quickly checked at his mage's status. Currently, his mage had 10 [Smole]'s heads with 90 hit points left. Meanwhile, his swordsman had 15 [Smole]'s head with 99 hit points left.

Since Auron had two characters, he needed to collect 200 [Smole]'s head so both of his characters could enter the next floor.