Forest Field (1)

It was the third day since Tower Training had started. Auron arrived on the fifth floor. He looked at his surrounding.

Right now, Auron was inside a lush green forest. Big and tall trees were scattered around him. When he looked above, only a glimpse of light from the sun could get through the tree's leaves.

All of the trees around him had a big trunk. The tree's roots even came out from the ground. Moss covered some part of the tree's roots and made it slippery. Auron could even feel the moist temperature on this floor.

As far as Auron could see, he only saw trees and roots. He could hear the sound of fighting at another place, but he could not even see any [Smole] around.

Auron looked at his task. He needed to collect 800 [Smole]'s eyes. Auron frowned, looking at his quest. The number was insanely rose from the previous floor task.