Debt (1)

It was already past dinner time when Auron got out of his house. Then, he immediately rushed out and called a taxi. He didn't forget to rush the taxi driver. Usually, it would take almost 1 hour for Auron to arrive at his friend's house. However, right now, it took only 30 minutes for Auron to arrive at his friend's house.

Auron paid the taxi driver and rushed out of the taxi. Then, he rang Roan's house's bell and knocked at his door while shouting at Roan's name.

Not long after, the door opened. It was Roan who opened the door. He looked dejected. Roan didn't say anything and sighed before turning and went inside, indicating Auron should follow behind him. Auron closed the door and slowly followed behind Roan without asking anything.

While going inside the house, Auron could hear some conversation going on. "What should I tell him?" Auron could listen to this sentence was said with a gloomy tone.