Missing Person Case (3)

Auron was shocked by this gimmick. Previously, they had agreed to be a brother and sister. So, when it suddenly changed to husband and wife, Auron was not ready.

Auron dropped the luggage that he brought because of the shock. However, Alice glared intensely at him and it made Auron quickly composed himself. He smiled wryly at Alice and the guards.

One of the guards saw this and thought, "What a sad husband. He must be tortured at home. What a poor man he is."

From the way Alice treated Auron, the guard thought that Auron must be tortured at home. The guard felt relieved because even though his wife not as beautiful as Alice, but at least she was a loving person.

Seeing Auron smiled wryly, Alice walked over and shouted furiously at him, "What are you doing?!!!"

"Oh, my cosmetics." Alice cried out pitifully while approaching the dropped luggage on the ground.