Patrick (1)

The next day came. In the morning, Auron and Alice did precisely the same as what they did yesterday.

Auron and Alice went to the same restaurant to check the latest news. As it was the biggest and the most crowded restaurant in this town, they still had some hope in this restaurant.

From that restaurant, they went in a separate direction. Alice went to the other shops that she had yet visited yesterday while Auron was lurking around the town, especially the downtown and area near the slum.

However, gathering information was proofed to be complicated. During the morning and the afternoon, both of them could not get anything valuable.

One notable thing that happened was, at noon, Alice was being robbed by some stranger. As soon as she was getting out of one of the expensive shops, a stranger came and grabbed Alice's belonging, including her bag. 

Alice was not hurt. Of course, how could a mere thief hurt Alice, who was a commander at the military?