Raid The Base (1)

Auron was waiting outside the cave across the river. Behind him, there were already 300 soldiers that surround the cave's entrance.

All of them were waiting for Alice's sign to start the raid. It was only a matter of time before the plan was executed.

All of these soldiers were approaching the cave slowly. Then, a few seconds later, Alice heard movements from inside the cave. And, the sound was slowly coming to them.

Without waiting any further, Alice gave the sign to attack. All of these soldiers immediately went inside the cave with Alice as the lead. Of course, not all of the 300 soldiers could get inside the cave at once. The cave entrance was small, only two up to three soldiers could go inside at a time. 

Fortunately, the surprise attack was a success. Alice at the lead immediately launched her strongest spell to the enemies at the front. The enemies were not ready and took a clean hit.